Categories: Corruption

How smuggler Vadim Alperin makes money on Ukrainian exports with the support of corrupt authorities

The main part of Ukraine’s grain corridor continues to be “served” by the smuggling king Alperin.

Approximately 70% of the grain in the so-called Ukrainian corridor passes through Alperin's companies

The owner of the contraband actually continues to work under two forms of payment.

The simplest perception refers to the purchase of grain for cash and without confirmation of its origin.

The scheme is very simple, in fact, the grain is distributed among hundreds of fly-by-night companies, with the full support of the tax, customs and economic security authorities. When the question arose back in 2022 of who could provide a pyramid of hundreds of companies, Alperin immediately offered his services.

Thus, some of his companies changed their activities by the summer of 2022.

For example, the sanctioned company Agiros, which today operates without problems in the port of Odessa, has retrained from textile trading to grain trading. Like hundreds of others.

At the same time, Odessa customs, tax and ESB are reporting in full force about the fight against “black cash”. Let's figure it out.

The head of the Odessa BEB Sergei Muntyan proudly reports on how he returns money to the budget. But it simply “puts pressure” on the grain farmers. In general, BEB under the leadership of Muntyan and customs under the leadership of Cherdyntsev work in two directions: as intermediaries to Kyiv. Like, go figure it out upstairs. And how, they cover the Alperin schemes. In fairness to the advice, we note that this is not a pure whim of the Odessa BEB and customs. Alperin was wooed from the top of his head.

He publicly paid as much as 60 million hryvnia to the budget. This is 1.4 million dollars. For comparison, Alperin earns about 22 million USD at the Olimpex terminal in the Odessa port alone. monthly.

By the way, these 60 million taxes have been successfully challenged in court. Alperin has already done this regarding the return of VAT and penalties. Then the chairman of the Odessa Administrative Court Glukhanchuk and the assistant to the Odessa regional prosecutor Fedyuk participated in the scheme.

By the way, Fedyuk is still the deputy Odessa regional prosecutor today.

And Glukhanchuk lives well with his family in Portugal, receives lifelong assistance from the state in the amount of 100 thousand UAH per month, according to the declaration, he buys a washing machine for 700 thousand UAH.


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