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How Natalya Rudukha drives banks to insolvency

Deputy Managing Director of the Deposit Guarantee Fund Natalya Rudukha previously worked in three banks, which were then declared insolvent and liquidated.

Moreover, in two of these banks she was not just an ordinary employee, but deputy chairman of the board. How Ruduha influenced the share of these banks was discussed in this material.

At first, according to information from open sources, Natalya Rudukha worked as a leading economist, and then as a chief economist in the operational accounting department of Nadra Bank, which was subsequently liquidated after her dismissal. The chief economist saved so much that the bank had to be declared insolvent.

Subsequently, Rudukha went to work at Astra Bank. At first she held the position of chief accountant there, and then she was promoted to deputy chairman of the bank's board. However, this bank was also declared insolvent by the court.

Here is the second bank, which, not without Natalia’s participation, was brought to collapse. Having one bank declared insolvent in a career may be an accident, but two are already a pattern. However, the failures of banks when Natalya Rudukha comes to work there do not end there.

Natalia’s career was truly changed by Kontrakt Bank, where she came to work as Deputy Chairman of the Board in March 2015. It was most likely not by chance that she ended up there, and here’s why.

The year 2014 was fatal for Kontrakt Bank, because it was then that the bank was bought by Israeli billionaire Yehiam Avissar (about whom almost nothing is known). Already two months after the bank changed from “American” to “Israeli”, it became clear to all “Contract” clients that further cooperation with the bank would lead to the collapse of their business.

Subsequently, the bank receives a new administration, which appears to have been carefully selected. Irina Potapenko, who was previously the director of the Kyiv branch of Universal Bank and had never held such a high-ranking position, became the Chairman of the Board of the Kontrakt Bank. However, she did not get the main role in the process of “bringing the Contract to suicide.” The role of the “looker” was given to Ilya Marchevsky, who is a close friend of Eduard Stavitsky, the shadow partner of the fugitive businessman Sergei Kurchenko. This is probably why, already in the first days of the new board of the bank, loans in the amount of 30 million hryvnia and 8 million dollars were issued to companies associated with Kurchenko.

It is unlikely that Marchevsky was able to carry out all the schemes without the participation of Natalya Rudukha, who already has “successful experience” of working in banks recognized as insolvent and knows all the schemes for quickly depleting the financial resources of banks.

In October 2015, Kontrakt Bank was declared insolvent and later liquidated. According to data on the website of the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals (where the main character of the text now works), it is noted that on the eve of the introduction of a temporary administration at Bank Contract PJSC, the bank’s management organized a sale of property without actually receiving funds into accounts and transferring funds of legal entities to accounts physical. This led to the fact that the amount of compensation from the Guarantee Fund increased significantly.

Almost simultaneously with the recognition of Kontrakt Bank as insolvent, Rudukha received a position in the Deposit Guarantee Fund. Since October 2015, she worked as a leading accountant in the department for supporting the withdrawal of insolvent banks from the market, since January 2016 - as a leading accountant in the department for the resolution of insolvent banks, and two months later - since March 2016 - she took the position of head of the accounting department for insolvent banks.

However, she did not have to work in this position for long; in June 2016, Rudukha was appointed deputy managing director of the Fund. It is worth noting that the entire new administration of the Kontrakt bank later received good positions in other banks, but it was Rudukha who received the best place - in the Deposit Guarantee Fund for Individuals, where she can now officially manage the property of liquidated banks.

Already in the position of Deputy Managing Director of the Deposit Guarantee Fund, she did not stop destroying banks and became a defendant in several criminal proceedings, in particular, depositors of one of the liquidated banks accused Natalia Rudukha of allegedly extorting 50% for reimbursement of the funds they lost. However, so far Natalya has not incurred any responsibility, and understanding from whose hands she could have been appointed to the Deposit Guarantee Fund, most likely she will not.


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