Thursday, July 4, 2024

In the spotlight

How the Kremenchug City Council aimed for a big jackpot

Expected cost: 88.6 million UAH. Tender documentation was pre-prepared for a specific company. Motorola in Germany and Ukraine was involved in the scheme. Everything would have been fine, but the distributor of the Polish system manufacturer Digitex appeared in the tender. As the first hands say, without intermediaries. And the offer price was provided for 10 million UAH. lower than expected and by 8 million UAH. below the other bidder.

And I want to take injections, and my mother doesn’t tell me to. Kremenchug authorities decided to extend the period for consideration of the proposal of the distributor of the Polish manufacturer. What if they find something in the documents that will cost 8 million UAH. for the local budget in the direction of increase. All forces have been thrown into the search. They say that lawyers were hired to look for a black cat in a dark room, which is not there. Something tells us that they will find a couple of incorrectly placed commas and the Kremenchu ​​residents will move on to consider a “more interesting proposal”, and as a last resort, you can always cancel the tender if you cannot purchase at a higher price. As they say, the miser pays twice.

According to information from reliable sources, the head office of Motorola began an investigation into the activities of Motorola Ukraine and Germany, who tried to use a scheme to attract letters from Motorola and, as a result, the state budget of Ukraine paid for the purchase of Motorola equipment at inflated prices. It’s very interesting whether SAPO, NABU, tax authorities know about this...?

We hope that now there is a reason to investigate and explain to the public how much Motorola’s letters cost the state budget, almost tens, hundreds of millions of hryvnia.

On the day of the tender, April 8, the Russians shelled the Poltava community, killing people and wounding 16, including 4 children. It was in the absence of modern warning systems that people were not notified of the air raid warning in a timely manner and did not take cover. In the Poltava region and communities there are no warning systems. Local authorities know where to spend funds, but not on people’s safety.

When this information was being prepared, the Russian aggressor committed another crime. Today, April 17, rocket attacks on the city of Chernigov killed 14 people and injured more than 60, including 3 children. When the missiles arrived, people were in their homes and were not notified of the air raid warning, since there are no warning systems and civil protection systems in Chernigov and other regions of Ukraine.

Source ZNAJ

In the spotlight


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