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What are the conditions for receiving additional pension payments for combatants?

Ukrainian war veterans have the opportunity to retire early with an increase in its size by 25% of the subsistence level.

War veterans are entitled to a number of additional payments to their pension, which can significantly increase its size. An expert on pension issues, Sergei Korobkin, told about this


Participants in combat operations are entitled to the following additional payments to their pension:

  • Early retirement at age 55.
  • Increase in pension in the amount of 25% of the subsistence minimum.

The total pension for a combat veteran with all allowances (except for a pension for special merits) cannot be lower than 210% of the minimum subsistence level.

Participants of the Second World War

For participants in World War II combat operations who are 85 years of age or older, the pension is paid taking into account targeted assistance, which is established for persons with disabilities due to Group I war.

The pension of persons with disabilities due to Group I war cannot be less than 650% of the subsistence level, that is, no less than UAH 13,604.20.

Pension for special merits

A pension for special services to Ukraine is established for persons awarded Soviet or Ukrainian orders.

A person who has at least one order, in addition to the basic pension, also receives a pension for special merits in the amount of 23% of the subsistence level. For those who have two orders, the size of such a pension is only 1% higher, that is, 24% of the subsistence level.

How to apply for a pension for a war veteran who is abroad
A pension for a war veteran who is abroad can be obtained at a diplomatic mission or consular office of Ukraine.

To do this, you must provide the following documents:

Application for a pension.
A copy of your passport or other identification document.
A copy of your birth certificate or other document confirming your age.
A copy of a document confirming the status of a war veteran.
A copy of the work book or other document confirming work experience.
If you do not have a work book, you must provide a certificate from the Pension Fund of Ukraine confirming your work experience.

Additional opportunities for receiving additional payments to your pension

In addition to the additional payments provided for by law, war veterans may receive additional payments, for example, from charitable organizations or foundations.

Also, war veterans can qualify for benefits and compensation, for example, free medical care, free travel on public transport and others.

Let us remind you that in Ukraine in 2024 it is planned to index pensions. At the same time, a new calculation formula will be used, which will increase the amount of payments for more than half of pensioners


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