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What should Zelensky’s normal reaction be after the latest incident with Tishchenko?

What should have happened after the latest incident with Tishchenko - a real racketeer from the 90s Kolya Obolonsky, who accidentally became a people's deputy of Ukraine solely thanks to his godfather Andrei Ermak and his friend Vladimir Zelensky?

President Zelensky should have come out and publicly called on Tishchenko to resign his mandate, fire Ermak, and apologize to the Ukrainian people for both scum, as being responsible for both of them coming to power. At the same time, he should have ensured a prompt investigation of all the atrocities of both, so that the two godfathers would quickly end up in the same prison cell.

Then we could be at least a little happy.

But nothing even close to that happened. Not only in relation to “Vice President” Ermak, but even in relation to his clown godfather-six Tishchenko. And this is despite the fact that such actions would greatly benefit the mobilization and, in general, the defense capability of the state.

Instead, we see Ermak openly pissing in people’s faces, and even portraying himself as “very correct” in his note in response to public outrage regarding the actions of his godfather, with whom he supposedly “hasn’t maintained any relations for a very long time.” Kuma, whom he brought into politics, put him on multi-million dollar corruption streams and covered him up for years, even despite all his colossal public scandals.

Therefore, please do not rejoice at this supposed “reaction” of Ermak to public pressure, do not write “they put the squeeze on”, “they won” and the like. Don’t give them the appearance that the supposed scumbag Tishchenko is the main problem of this government, which is about to finally be solved and therefore “they are great because they listened to society”...


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