Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

Kalityanskaya OTG is on the verge of collapse: the acting leader declared war on the entire community

A powerful scandal broke out in the Kalitnyanskaya UTG. The outrage of the local community is already so strong that it has spread beyond the boundaries of the locality and is gaining momentum.

Deputies Ivan Eremenko, Olga Makarenko, Vladislav Khomenko, Valentina Sosnovskaya, Svetlana Golovchenko, Tatyana Kudryavtseva, Vita Pilipenko, Dmitry Chaly, Natalya Shishkova, Oleg Pantas wrote an appeal, which the editors have at their disposal regarding the situation in Kalitnyanskaya, the head of Sergei Rudnitsky, with whom all those who disagree with his demands and policies face.

As the elected officials assure, the local chairman, who feels like a prince, declares war on everyone who makes or recommends changes to his decision.

From the first days of his work as the head of the community, his predecessor Yuri Plaksya exerted insane pressure from Sergei Rudnitsky and his supporters, which led to the resignation of both the chairman and deputies, secretary and business manager.

“The “king” also fought with the director of the KNP “CPMSP” of the Kalityansky village council, Tatyana Kudryavtseva, who, as a deputy, organized more than 15 tons of humanitarian aid issued to the population during the occupation. Now she, together with her team, works as the director of the KNP “CPMSP” of the Kalinovsky village council - she successfully manages the medicine of two communities. Under pressure and slander from Rudnitsky and his apostates, the head of the department of education, culture, youth policy and sports, Tatyana Kuts, also resigned (she now heads the Velikodimersky community gymnasium),” the deputies write in their appeal.

He started a war even with those who made him up during the occupation, when he began to work: with deputies, employees of the executive committee, school directors, even with the management of AK "KALITA", who make a great contribution to helping the military, helping children from the orphanage houses “Nadezhda”, provide all possible assistance to educational institutions.

“Even during the occupation of the society, Rudnitsky started a war with a member of the executive committee, architect Irina Musaeva. Having released her, he hired a certain Alena Vinogradova as an architect, who had never worked as an architect for a day and did not meet the established requirements at all. Perhaps this is why the roof was not built for 10 million UAH. at the Semipolkovsky Lyceum. In addition, a criminal case has been initiated against the head of the education department, Tatyana Ovchinnik, for the roof of the boiler house in Semipolki. At the end of the year, the head of education of the UTG went on vacation for more than a month. And this is at a time when children do not have meals in schools, there is no fuel for school buses, and teachers do not receive wages,” the deputies’ appeal says.

Rudnitsky, who is primarily the secretary of the Kalityansky Council, does not fulfill the duties assigned to him. He does not visit or coordinate the work of standing committees of deputies, does not keep minutes of council meetings, and does not publish draft agendas and draft decisions on time. Mandatory decisions of the council are not implemented, in particular, remuneration to state registrars is not paid through the collection of an administrative fee, which became the reason for workers to go to court to protect their rights, because the administrative fee is one of the sources of local budget revenue, and in the profession of registrars there is staff shortage. The executive committee finds funds for “manual” employees for both quarterly and holiday remunerations of 80 thousand UAH.

At a meeting with deputies at the end of 2023, Rudnitsky emphasized that there would be no payment of bonuses and allowances during the war in the executive committee, all available funds would be directed to programs to support people who suffered most during the occupation, to restore infrastructure and support volunteer forces in Kalityanskaya. OTG. And then he thought and decided differently - to give bonuses to his supporters in the village council...

“During this time, projects were submitted for state programs for co-financing the capital repairs of the Mokretsky Lyceum, the replacement of windows in the Kalityansky Lyceum, the state program “Community Officer”, funds were allocated for the installation of a warning system in the community, but there was no result in any direction. In addition, slab carriers worth 500 thousand UAH were purchased for an educational subvention, which did not correspond to the order. And this despite the fact that by his order he increased the staff of the executive committee,” the deputies emphasize in their address.

So far, 11 deputies do not support Rudnitsky, as opposed to 5 deputies who support him (among whom is his loyal henchman Alexander Maleshko, who, as director, brought the Kalityansky Communal Enterprise to bankruptcy). The executive committee has already replaced its seventh head of civil protection in six months, and renovations are being carried out in the cultural building, which was prohibited from being used in accordance with the State Emergency Service act.

The local community notes in its appeal that Rudnitsky does not conduct on-site receptions for citizens in villages. Instead, he travels around populated areas, convincing citizens that deputies are to blame for all the troubles, since they do not attend the session. The deputies turned to the Brovary RVA, the police, the prosecutor's office, and the chairman of the KOVA for help in order to stop the disorder in society. The deputies are convinced that Rudnitsky cannot and does not know how to lead the community.

“Today, acting Chairman Secretary Sergei Rudnitsky continues to aggravate the crisis in the community. Holds the entire community hostage, blaming the deputies. As Vera Zakharenko writes, “It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.” But residents of the Kalityan community firmly believe that changes for the better will come to the community,” the deputies express hope in their address.

Source ZNAJ

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