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Corban's Pocket Judges

The other day, a notary I know shared with me his own interesting observations. According to him, in the last six months, families of judges have become leaders in the purchase of luxury housing in Kyiv and Dnieper. Previously, it was SBU officers and prosecutors, but now judges are breaking all records. He says it’s a profitable business to be a judge. And indeed. In turbulent times, access to judicial decisions opens up unlimited possibilities.

I have already written about the story that investigators from Dnepr found, where the judge of the Economic Court of the Dnepropetrovsk Region N.M. Kamsha apparently recovered 8 million hryvnia from the Ministry of Defense in favor of persons suspected of fraud. At that time, Kamsha was still suspected of having also repeatedly taken the side of commercial structures and businessmen in disputes with the state in similar cases. For example, in the case of debt collection from well-known Dnieper developers Messrs. Zaitsev and Kaganovsky.

Local observers write that the “strange coincidences” in Judge Kamshi’s decisions did not end there. Now her name appears next to the topics of Gennady Korban. In particular, they say that a judge already familiar to us was involved in the fact that Korban managed to gain control over land plots for the construction of the Mayak residential complex.

In addition to the notorious company Allur Development LLC (founders Oleg Levin and Gennady Korban), which appears in the case of the development of Protasovy Yar in Kiev and fought with the late Roman Ratushny, a certain LLC GK Estate is related to the construction of the Mayak residential complex.

My colleague Nazar Prikhodko spoke about this company and its connection with Korban. Back in April 2021, GK Estate LLC, without holding an open land auction, received a land plot in the city of Dnepr along Sicheslavskaya embankment in the area of ​​building 39 (cadastral number of the plot - 1210100000:03:328:0255) for rent.” Prikhodko noted that the company began construction of another high-rise building on the embankment, but later, by a decision of the Central Economic Court of Appeal in Dnepr dated August 4 in case No. 904/7138/21, the decision of the Dnepropetrovsk City Council, which transferred this rather serious plot to Korban, was canceled.

And now we have the second “season”. According to sources in the Dnieper City Council, the site for the construction of the Mayak residential complex was leased by Mr. Korban on the basis that his company, it seems, simply stole the unfinished construction on it from Venter LLC. The unfinished building was allegedly sold for 240 thousand UAH. to the company “GK Estate” LLC (with the cost of its construction being 16 million UAH) and those were never paid in favor of “Venter” LLC.

In the bankruptcy case of Venter LLC, the liquidator took measures to return the unfinished property by appealing this operation. However, by a strange coincidence, Judge Kamsha, already known to us, appeared here and decided to refuse to seize the unfinished building (link )

And two weeks after this, GK Estate LLC merged the unfinished building with the Mayak residential complex building in the register of rights to real estate. And this became the basis for the refusal of the claim in the court of appeal (link - ) and the Supreme Court (link - ).

Of course, the liquidator of Venter LLC again filed a claim for recovery of unfinished construction to Judge Kamsha (link - ), but was subsequently removed from the case (link https://verdictum.ligazakon .net/document/113854796 ).

As a result, the state-owned PrivatBank did not receive repayment of the loan in the amount of UAH 80 million from Venter LLC. And Korban received his land for development. What interesting coincidences...

Mr. Korban is currently deprived of Ukrainian citizenship (it was suspended due to the acquisition of citizenship of another country). Gennady Olegovich himself is outside Ukraine and communicates with investigators through lawyers. And judge Kamsha N.M. conscientiously continues to protect the interests of... whom? Korban?


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