Sunday, January 12, 2025

In the spotlight

Klitschko forgot to mention the sale of the pedestrian crossing

A conflict occurred in the Kyiv City State Administration related to the sale of the Kievpastrans company and the transfer of management of a strategic facility to the Department of Communal Property.

We are talking about the transition from the Central Railway Station of Kyiv to the high-speed tram tracks, which is located at st. Starovokzalnaya, 26.

Vitali Klitschko, who found out about this, was furious. But the trick is that they sold it... more than three years ago, the mayor himself agreed on the deal, which he simply forgot about.

Over these three years, the buyer, Parus-Realty, simply abandoned the property, which is now in a terrible state.

Actually, Klitschko drew attention to the state of the crossing while inspecting the adjacent street. And he wanted the blood of those subordinates who brought him to this. It was then that they discovered to him that none of the officials had been responsible for the transition for three years.

Here, of course, it is not a sin to remember that it was Klitschko, in the status of an oppositionist, who zealously fought against attempts to sell this property back in 2010. This is just a Kyiv classic.

As a result, the mayor is furious. Why be angry when your right hand doesn’t know what your left hand is doing, and you yourself don’t remember what you did the day before? What team you selected, what processes you built - this is the result you get.

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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