Wednesday, October 2, 2024

In the spotlight

Corruption – as the meaning of life of Yanina Aranchia

On the morning of September 3, two enemy missiles struck the Military Institute of Telecommunications and Information Technologies in Poltava. According to official reports from the State Emergency Service, the Russian missile attack on the educational institution killed 55 people and injured 328.

The third of September became another dark day in our history. And what exactly will this day be remembered for by the leadership of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection in the Poltava Region, headed by Yanina Aranchiy? It’s not hard to guess – extortion of bribes from entrepreneurs. While Poltava residents were clearing away the rubble with their bare hands, donating blood, saving people, Aranchy’s subordinates were doing their favorite and usual thing, “robbing” businesses. On September 3, the police exposed the acting the head of the Mirgorod district department of the State Food Service in the Poltava region, Evgeniy Latukhin, for receiving unlawful benefits.

Investigators seized 60 thousand hryvnia from the official’s official car. He was detained in accordance with Art. 208 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine, but for some reason, three more defendants in the criminal offense, who acted as part of a criminal group and were also in the car, were not detained

Andrey Pervy, head of the department of food safety and veterinary medicine of the Kremenchug region;

– Ekaterina Mostovaya, chief specialist of the department of food safety and veterinary medicine of the Mirgorod region;

Ezhak Veronika Pavlovna , chief specialist of the department of food safety and veterinary medicine of the Poltava region;

As reported by the Department of Strategic Investigations of the National Police of Ukraine, in order to obtain funds, officials falsified statements and appeals from citizens about alleged violations of food safety and sanitation requirements by entrepreneurs. Subsequently, employees of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection organized unscheduled inspections of the activities of these entrepreneurs. For the absence of fictitious violations, entrepreneurs had to provide bribes, in addition, in the future the entrepreneur had to pay 10 thousand hryvnia monthly for non-interference of the State Food and Consumer Service in economic activities. That's it, briefly, without a deep analysis of yet another broken bottom of the leadership of the State Food and Consumer Service in the Poltava region. But we'll come back to this a little later.

The villages of Komendantovka, Kalashniki, Aleksandrovka, Marenovka, Grigoragregatirovka, Soloshino, Kobelyachok, Dabinovka, Salovka are settlements in the Poltava and Kremenchug regions, of course, the Poltava region, where the vast majority of men left their homes and went to defend their homeland. These are mainly women, children and old people who are trying to survive from vegetable gardens and subsidiary plots, but the inaction of civil servants is robbing them of this source of livelihood and here’s why. African swine fever is spreading at breakneck speed, the peasants no longer have pigs and will not have them in the near future, which was the last hope for survival as payment for gas, electricity, medicine ...

We are talking not only about hundreds of millions of losses as a result of the spread of this pandemic and the death of all pigs - the mortality rate is 100%, and the strictest measures for burning the corpses of animals and equipment that were in care, but also about the sale of grain harvests. The vast majority of which are collected as fodder. The question is, who will buy grain potentially contaminated with African swine fever? Rhetorical question - where is veterinary medicine?, where is epizootology, where is biological safety?, how many DNPC (State Emergency Epizootic Commission) has collected on this matter? The bottom line is that there are not so many answers, the head of the veterinary service (State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection) Sergei Tkachuk is a lawyer by profession, his deputies are also former law enforcement officers, tax officers, police officers who have no idea on the powers, functions and tasks of veterinary medicine. The main task of this company is illegal enrichment, corruption and extortion. What kind of food security and epizootic well-being can we talk about? Are the ignorant simply destroying the pig industry as a whole? ASF today is spreading at a frantic pace due to the lack of response measures, non-compliance with the measures of the current instructions, territorial bodies are mainly headed by people from the orbit of Sergei Tkachuk (lawyers, tax officers and police officers) with Khmelnytsky and Vinnytsia registration, whose task is to establish a clear vertical of extortion.

Public tension did not have time to cool down after the well-known high-profile wedding of ex-prosecutor Rostislav Ilnitsky with a former employee of the Lvov territorial department of the State Bureau of Investigation, Roksolana Moskva, in Lvov. On July 6, 2024, Yanina Aranchiy decided to celebrate her 38th birthday at the Cape of Good Hope country hotel and restaurant complex on the banks of the Vorskla River. This hotel and restaurant complex was rented by the Aranchy company for almost a hundred guests. Renting the hotel and restaurant complex “Cape of Good Hope” cost 400 thousand hryvnia, and the total amount for the birthday celebration was one and a half million hryvnia. The income of a civil servant, according to the declaration, is equal to 300 thousand; Yanina Sergeevna missed her five-year salary in a day. During the military invasion, Yanina Aranchiy purchased an elite car, three apartments in the city of Warsaw, Republic of Poland, which were registered in the name of the mother of the ex-rector of Poltava Agrarian University in the amount of about $550 thousand .

Yanina loves not only to live in grand style, but also to dress only in Valentino

But this time, on her birthday, Yanina Aranchiy wished the whole environment in the Dolce & Gabbana style, even some of the decor and products were delivered from France.

And this is at a time when there has been a war in our country for three years, entire cities and towns are being destroyed, people are left without any means of subsistence, mothers bury their sons and daughters every day, Yanina Aranchiy along with her close friends and exes law enforcement officers (who, by the way, are hiding from mobilization in the civil service) order delicacies from France.

Yanina Aranchii and the staff of former law enforcement officers who now work in senior positions are constantly involved in corruption scandals, or scandals related to the conduct and ethics of public servants .

Question! Is the head of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Security and Consumer Protection Sergei Tkachuk satisfied with this order of things, or is the latter satisfied with the level of professional insignificance of both Aranchia herself and the horde of ex-police officers in the State Food and Consumer Service of the Poltava Region, on whose territory constant outbreaks of rabies and African swine , which are hidden as much as possible .

Or Yuri Pershin, who covers all questions with his fists, is especially good at boxing with women, as we know, not in isolated cases. Particularly striking is the huge fleet of luxury cars, the actual owner of which is Yuri Pershin, but registered to fictitious persons located on the sites for sale. In order to legalize proceeds from crime, Yanina Aranchiy, together with her deputy Yuri Pershin, began resale of cars and found herself embroiled in another scandal with the destruction of long-term tree plantations in front of a car dealership owned by her brother Dmitry Aranchiy.

A reliable source in the Poltava City Council shed light on who gave permission to cut down linden trees. Unfortunately, in Poltava even officials are afraid to tell the truth, because there will be negative consequences for doing so. The city is ruled by the mafia. The Aranchi family decided to demolish the linden trees, roll up the lawn with asphalt and open the parking lot so that they could immediately drive up to the DearMotors car dealership from the street. Yanina Aranchiy received permission to cut down trees from the State Environmental Inspectorate of the Central District. The head of this institution was once Igor Gorzhiy; from April 2024, Artur Korniychuk, a loyal ally of Yanina, who previously worked as the head of the anti-corruption sector in the Main Directorate of the State Food and Consumer Service in the Poltava region, became the deputy head. Fulfilling Ioannina’s request, he put a stamp stating that the trees were in disrepair. In general, the Environmental Inspectorate is a corrupt institution that makes money from permits. This is the only function of this structure, not environmental protection. No one thinks about nature; if necessary, they will issue a warrant to cut down Korpusny Park. The only question is the amount. Having a “linden” piece of paper stating that the trees were in disrepair, Ioannina turned to the city council and asked for permission to cut down the lindens, but there was one caveat. Permission to cut down trees is given by a commission under the Department of Housing and Communal Services. A commission under the Department of Housing and Communal Services was supposed to go to the site and inspect the linden trees.

But she didn’t do this, the perpetrators are unlikely to be punished and the environmental inspectorate will continue to work as it did, it will simply cut money for permits. In this particular case, having a public outcry, Aranchiy did not resolve all the issues - there will be no parking near the car dealership. After all, civil society has an impact, so all is not lost. We recommend that you read the text “Poltava region”, which beautifully states that in Poltava no one is responsible for the trees along the roads. If a tree falls on a person or car, no one will receive compensation for treatment or repair of the car. The locusts don't care about ordinary people like you and me so much that they had no remorse for cutting down 20 trees just to make the showroom look more visible. What could be surprising when Anina Aranchiy, according to independent media, entered the top ten most famous corrupt officials in Ukraine in 2024 , such an achievement.

All of Sergei Tkachuk’s predecessors were convicted of corruption, so it is not surprising that people like Aranchiy and Pershin found themselves under the patronage of high-ranking officials. The question arises: are you, Mr. Sergei, following the same path as your predecessors, perhaps is it time to do something? At the moment, it seems that the high-ranking official is not at all interested in criminal schemes to extort illegal benefits. But if for ordinary citizens the answer is obvious and quite understandable: for what money do officials of the State Food and Consumer Service of the Poltava Region have such a high standard of living, then for the responsible persons of the State Service of Ukraine for Food Safety and Consumer Protection of Ukraine this situation is acceptable, since for more than a year of work of Sergei Tkachuk, who so loves to represent Ukraine in embroidered shirts at international venues, there was no reaction, as well as a lack of desire to change something. Since publicly declaring in words about intolerance towards corruption and substantively eradicating it, in fact these are completely different things.


In the spotlight


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