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Kostya Bryl: the path from military general to decision maker

One day, the media became aware of Konstantin Bryl, a previously unknown figure who had not been heard of for a long time. Apparently, he was unable to integrate into the current government, but he strived for this. Konstantin Bryl is unique among Ukrainian security forces, as he managed to serve in all security forces. And he quit from everywhere as a result of a corruption scandal. Everywhere he was known as the “decider in the power structures”, who knew the rules of “division” well. Konstantin really hoped that his classmate at the Suvorov Military School, Valery Kondratyuk, would find him a tasty job. But they don’t take it from him anywhere, no matter how hard he tries. And the “greens” and the “fixers” are doing well even without Bryl. And Konstantin had to go to the building manager. Sorry, to the banking system.

So, everything in order.

Back in 2015, the Kharkov state enterprise Elektrotyazhmash entered into a loan agreement with Unison Bank. It is unlikely that any of the readers will remember what kind of bank it was, because it was not large and was remembered by market specialists only because it was within the sphere of influence of Alexander Klimenko. There was such a minister of revenues and duties under Yanukovych. The effectiveness of this “effective manager” was determined by his friendship with Yanukovych’s son Alexander, whose effectiveness, in turn, was determined not by his education as a dentist, but by his position as crown prince. In general, it was a classic corruption vertical, which in Ukraine was called the “Family,” and Klimenko was an integral part of it.

But after the Maidan, the National Bank drew attention to the fact that Unison Bank has an opaque ownership structure, and to the fact that “the sources of origin of their funds are not properly confirmed.” Of course, everyone understood where the money came from, but there is no such term as “family money” in Ukrainian legislation, so the NBU acted according to the law and decided to liquidate Unison Bank. Top management actively opposed this, engaging in legal spam, and pressing on the “political component” of the National Bank’s actions. As for the “political component,” we can even agree: the financial structure that appeared thanks to this very “political component” collapsed immediately after this very “component” became different. But the litigation ended in nothing - the bank gave a long life.

Now let's return to the loan agreement with the Kharkov "Electrotyazhmash". Who and why signed an agreement on behalf of a state-owned enterprise with a then toxic financial institution is the second question. Perhaps law enforcement agencies will still sort this out. Now the future fate of this agreement is interesting. It was about two and a half million dollars. “Electrotyazhmash” was then in a very deplorable state, the debt was paid irregularly, the contract was extended, and the deposit of “Electrotyazhmash” in “Unison” was offset against repayment... In general, this long story of a miraculously surviving industrial giant is not so important. Another thing is important: in the end the debt amounted to 431 thousand US dollars. It is this 431 thousand dollars that appears in the letter from the bank liquidator, which was sent to Elektrotyazhmash in 2020. Let's remember this amount.

By that time, the bank’s liquidation procedure, which began in 2016, was already coming to an end, and the bank’s shareholders, seven Cypriot companies, received rights to the remaining property, which included the debt of Elektrotyazhmash. In itself, this feint with the transfer of the property of a bank that is being liquidated is dubious from the point of view of the law, because for this there is a clear procedure according to which, first of all, the bank must pay off its creditors, and only then divide the rest. But then things got even more interesting.

The debt of “Electrotyazhmash” went “free floating”, either landing “on the shores” of commercial structures (Siquestrum LLC, Financial Company Falcon-Finance LLC, Meligant Group LTD) or returning again to the founders. Why this was done is not entirely clear. Perhaps the task was to “wash” these obligations from the toxic bank. Moreover, this “floating” of debt was clearly manipulative in nature. The fact is that in all the structures that briefly became creditors, the owner or manager was the same person - a certain Oksana Chepizhko. She also acted on behalf of the founders. That is, she transferred the rights to the debt from herself to herself. This situation also looks absurd from the point of view of the law - the Civil Code prohibits a representative from carrying out actions in his own interests, or in the interests of another person whose representative he is.

Later, during legal disputes, two more interesting facts surfaced. Firstly, the directors of the two companies stated that they did not sign the agreement on the transfer of debt, which became the basis for further legal proceedings. That is, apparently, there was a banal forgery of signatures. Secondly, the powers of attorney issued by the five remaining companies to carry out the transfer of rights were invalid at the time of the conclusion of the agreement on the assignment of debt. By the way, the mentioned powers of attorney were issued and notarized on the territory of the Russian Federation!!!

Ultimately, as a result of these dubious manipulations, one individual entrepreneur, the same Chepizhko O.V., received the rights to the debt of Elektrotyazhmash. This is how a modest female entrepreneur appeared on the scene, demanding the return of the money owed to her. Let us remind you that she did not earn this money, did not inherit it, it never belonged to her, and this debt arose through dubious manipulations from the point of view of the law.

It would seem that the idea of ​​going to court with all this can be described in two words - “Dementia and courage.” But the brave private entrepreneur Chepizhko was not afraid of difficulties, and even... increased the amount of debt that she allegedly owed.

In August last year, Chepizhko went to court demanding the return of $1.7 million and 4.1 million hryvnia, instead of the $431 thousand that the bank liquidator reminded Elektrotyazhmash. At the same time, Oksana Chepizhko referred to the conclusions of a certain examination. What is in it is unknown. Perhaps the justification included the global rise in oil prices, sunspots, magnetic storms... Be that as it may, this issue had to be sorted out by a court that would determine the validity of the claims.

Instead, the flywheel of absurdity began to spin. The judge of the Economic Court of the Kharkov Region was so sympathetic to the plaintiff’s position that he decided that the defendant must return to her not only what she asked for, but also 17 million hryvnia in penalties and interest that she did not ask for.

Usually the courts in such cases either satisfy the plaintiff’s request in full or reduce the amount, taking into account the circumstances. But on one’s own initiative, increasing the amount of the claim many times over is an unprecedented decision.

After a number of vicissitudes associated with the registration of the appeal in court, it was nevertheless accepted by the court, and now, as part of the appeal consideration of the case, an examination of the validity of the brave businesswoman’s claims is being carried out. A criminal investigation is also underway at the request of Ukrainian Energy Machines JSC. True, it’s going neither shaky nor slow. Although the investigation could answer several interesting questions. For example, in whose interests is Mrs. Chepizhko acting?

From the name “Unison” the debt of “Electrotyazhmash” was washed away as best they could. But Oksana Chepizhko herself previously worked not only at Unison Bank. Before that, she was a top manager in the structures of the financial group of the same name, and at a time when Alexander Klimenko was at the peak of his career, and the Family was making full use of Ukraine as a food source. And even now Chepizhko occupies a luxurious office in the Kiev Gulliver office center, where searches were carried out as part of the investigation into Klimenko’s activities.

By the way, it is interesting that another character unexpectedly appeared on the stage - Konstantin Bryl, the former head of the Zaporozhye state administration. He enters into negotiations “on behalf and on behalf of” Chepizhko, personally meets and corresponds with Ukrenergomashin lawyers, convinces, hints, and generally shows every kind of interest. At the same time, he has no formal connection with Chepizhko, or with this situation in general. So we can only assume that his role was a “decide”, however, a “decide” of great caliber.

Moreover, the life path of citizen Bryl suggests this idea. A former high-ranking traffic policeman, personal assistant to the Minister of Internal Affairs Kravchenko, who shot himself, then tax, customs, SBU, bureaucratic positions... In general, the man’s biography is unique in its own way - he managed to work everywhere, and everywhere he was accompanied by corruption scandals. We won’t list them; anyone interested can Google them. True, Themis never really got to him. The only thing he was caught for was failure to file property declarations. True, the anti-corruption court closed this case, and only a rather immodest amount of undeclared property remained in people’s memory - 43 million hryvnia.

The appearance on the stage of a character who began his career under Kuchma, flourished under Yanukovych, and even managed to be a governor in post-Maidan Ukraine, perfectly characterizes the level and depth of connections of people who set out to extract millions of dollars from the Kharkov industrial giant.

In general, the question of whether Chepizhko acts on her own or on behalf of representatives of the “Family”, which she once served faithfully, remains open. As well as the question of where it is planned to send the allocated money from Elektrotyazhmash - for the personal needs of a modest entrepreneur or to support those who want to enter Ukraine on the armor of Russian tanks? And most importantly, on whose support in high offices do people who seek to return to the brazen corruption schemes of the “Family” era count?

On January 8, the next court hearing will take place, at which not the dubious results of the “expertise from Chepizhko” will be considered, but the conclusions of independent experts appointed by the court. Most likely, they will radically moderate the plaintiff’s appetites, and the court of appeal will make a fair decision, putting an end to this carnival of judicial absurdity, protecting the state enterprise.

Konstantin Bryl: lies and gold of the Zaporozhye Governor-General. PART 1

Where do “modest” Ukrainian officials and generals, who have worked their whole lives in the civil service, get the money for expensive car parks, luxurious estates and luxurious trinkets? Zaporozhye Governor Konstantin Bryl was asked this question more than once, and each time he avoided answering. And once he even decided not to publish his electronic declaration at all, saying that it was a state secret! However, the Cossacks, experienced by Bryl’s short-lived, but very full of scandals and disasters, rule, are already accustomed to the fact that the amount of money stolen from the state in their region is hidden under the heading “secret”.

As it turned out, in the spring of 2017, Konstantin Bryl refused to submit his electronic declaration on the grounds that he was still an active general of the SBU - they say, a senior intelligence officer should not reveal any details about himself. But this was not just an excuse; behind it was hidden a scam that caused financial damage to the state. It was opened after the indignant public raised the question of on what basis does Konstantin Bryl combine services in the SBU and leadership in the regional state administration? Bryl began to babble something about how he, as a general of the SBU, was “sent from the Service to the executive authorities.” But is it really possible, is the Zaporozhye regional administration a military-civil administration?! No, an ordinary “civilian” Regional State Administration, which cannot be controlled by current generals. But a second question immediately arose: does he also receive a salary “both here and there”? Bryl lied in a direct interview with reporters that he receives a salary only from the SBU.

Apparently, in Kyiv they could no longer calmly look at his antics, and there were obvious violations of the law, so literally at the same time General Bryl was officially dismissed from the ranks of the SBU, where he was registered and received a salary, and was sent into retirement. True, a conflict arose: if as governor of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration he was only “seconded from the SBU,” then why did he remain in this post after resigning? It seems that in Kyiv they themselves are entangled in this scam! But what happened next was even more interesting: when, under public pressure, Konstantin Bryl finally published his declaration , in it he personally indicated that he “sucked two queens,” that is, he received a salary in 2016 from both the SBU (78,678 hryvnia) and in the Regional State Administration (191,300 hryvnia). In the declaration for 2017, the amount of funds he siphoned from the SBU was even greater: 277,810 hryvnia, and this was in just 5 months! This is not counting the governor's salary (217 thousand) and the general's pension (77 thousand).

And this was just the beginning of a new wave of scandals that hit the “defrocked general.” Who, by the way, could be called an “SS agent” with great difficulty, because he received his general’s shoulder straps in the Ministry of Internal Affairs, then worked in the tax service, then specialized in customs - and most of all succeeded in corruption...

Konstantin Bryl. From lieutenant to general

Bryl Konstantin Ivanovich (the surname comes from the name of a popular peasant straw hat) was born on April 14, 1970 in Zaporozhye (according to other information - in Donetsk), in the family of Ivan Petrovich Bryl (born 1947). He always carefully kept a secret about his father, and this is not without reason - after all, it was thanks to his acquaintances that Konstantin Bryl became a big man. The most important such acquaintance was Yuriy Kravchenko, the future Minister of Internal Affairs of Ukraine. And here’s what’s surprising: without disclosing any details about his parents, Konstantin Ivanovich at the same time honestly admitted to journalists that he knew Yuri Kravchenko from childhood, that it was “Uncle Yura” who invited him to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and helped make his career.

And yet, journalists managed to find out that Konstantin Bryl’s mother worked as a teacher, and his father held the position of head of the sanitary and epidemiological station in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky. But that was later, but Konstantin spent his childhood and youth in the town of Dobrovelichkovka, Kirovograd region, where their family moved in the 70s. Apparently, there Ivan Bryl met Yuri Kravchenko, a native of the Kirovograd region, who worked for almost fifteen years in regional police structures from an OBKhSS inspector to the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. What exactly brought them together is unknown, but Kravchenko became a friend of the Brylya family.

After the 8th grade, Kostya Bryl’s parents sent him to the Kiev Suvorov School (now the Kiev Military Lyceum named after Bogun), after graduating from which he went to distant Omsk and entered the Higher Combined Arms Command School (course 1987-91, 8th company, 4th platoon). Bryl himself insisted that he allegedly graduated from the “intelligence department” there - only, according to Skelet.Info , in fact there was no such department there. According to our information, he received a specialization there as an engineer for the operation of armored tanks and automotive vehicles - which is more plausible, since the school had a corresponding department. After graduating from college, Konstantin Bryl received a “criminal” assignment to the Western Group of Forces in Germany (already leaving there), where he began serving as commander of a motorized rifle reconnaissance platoon, which was armed with armored personnel carriers and BRDMs.

In general, the engineering version of Bryl’s education is confirmed, but about the “intelligence faculty” he already came up with this himself, for the “show off”. As well as the fact that he made his first capital from his own salary and his wife’s salary (in German marks). Why? Because these days it was becoming more and more difficult for Bryl to answer journalists’ questions about the origin of his wealth. And he indulged in various fantasies: for example, he claimed that his grandparents were enormously rich back in the Soviet years.

By the way, according to unconfirmed information, either the father or the uncle of his first wife had a hand in Bryl’s assignment to the Western Group of Forces. He also did not talk about her, only once mentioning that she was allegedly an ethnic German, who then went for permanent residence in Germany - this is how he tried to answer the question why his sons from his first marriage were studying in Germany, and then went there for permanent residence. .

In 1993, Bryl’s military unit was withdrawn from Germany to Russia - by this time he was already a 100% Russian officer. As commander of a reconnaissance company, Konstantin Bryl served for several months near Rostov, but his salary was no longer paid in marks, but in “wooden” ones, and even that was delayed. Disillusioned with his military career, he began to look for a new calling - and just in time, just before the start of the famous events in Chechnya. Here “Uncle Yura” helped him, inviting “Kostya” to work in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Since Kravchenko was already a deputy minister and lived in Kiev, and the Bryl family moved to live in Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky (Kyiv region), where Bryl Sr. headed the sanitary and epidemiological station, the younger Bryl was given a job at his new place of residence and almost in his specialty. A former intelligence officer and armored vehicle specialist became a traffic police inspector, setting up ambushes on the roads - but he himself assures that he allegedly started in the Ministry of Internal Affairs as an “opera” (another Bryl’s fantasy).

Very soon, Konstantin Bryl rose to become the head of the regional traffic police and acquired good real estate, including in Kyiv. And although he explained this purchase to journalists either with his savings or with the treasures of his grandparents, Skelet.Info reported that in reality he collected most of the amount using a “magic striped wand.”

In the biography of the Zaporozhye governor, his service in the traffic police is not mentioned at all, and he did not tell the details of his next promotion. This secrecy is quite understandable, because from the post of chief traffic cop of Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky to the office of the commander of the traffic police regiment of the Kiev region, Konstantin Bryl jumped in 1999 - immediately after, on the section of the highway entrusted to him between Boryspil and Pereyaslav-Khmelnitsky, under very strange circumstances, Vyacheslav Chernovol died in a car accident. The sudden death of the then right-wing opposition leader allowed Kuchma to secure his votes to defeat the communist Symonenko in the presidential election. It is not surprising that the death of Chernovol still raises many assumptions and questions, including for Konstantin Bryl. After all, if the late Yuri Kravchenko “hushed up” the death of Chernovol at the ministry level, then the chief traffic cop of the Bryl district directly had a hand in ensuring that this car accident was officially registered as an accident. And who could handle this better than “Kostya,” whom Kravchenko knew from childhood and could trust him with the most sensitive assignments? Maybe that’s why Chernovol died on the highway near Pereyaslav? Unfortunately, a new investigation into this case, promised by Prosecutor General Lutsenko in 2016, “stuck” just like all the previous ones.

And immediately after the funeral of the deceased politician, Bryl is promoted to commander of the regional traffic police regiment (which at the same time allowed him to clean up Chernovol’s case even more thoroughly), but does not stay there for long. Elections are held, Kuchma is again elected president, and Konstantin Bryl goes to work at the main office of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, a trusted assistant to Yuri Kravchenko himself. According to numerous eyewitness accounts, Bryl shadowed the minister, carrying out his personal assignments of various kinds. In 2000, as a gift from “Uncle Yura,” he received a diploma from the National Academy of Internal Affairs, and soon the shoulder straps of a major general. “General Kostya,” as he was nicknamed in the ministry, was the youngest general of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - and, perhaps, the youngest Ukrainian general in general!

Great hunt

After a scandal broke out around the “Melnichenko tapes”, and then the opposition raised the “Ukraine without Kuchma” campaign, the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, Yuri Kravchenko, was removed from his post and sent out of harm’s way. First, as governor in Kherson, where Kravchenko quickly assessed the situation and decided to suppress grain exports. And here’s what’s interesting: in December 2001, the ex-minister became governor, and already in January 2002, Centurion Law Firm LLC was registered in Kherson, whose founders included Irina Kravchenko, Maya Bryl, Victor Panasenko, Valentin Zamnius , Anatoly Podolyaka and Tatyana Milchenko. Now let's clarify who these people are.

  • Irina Yuryevna Kravchenko is Yuri Kravchenko’s own daughter. Everything is clear here.
  • Maya Petrovna Bryl, nee Matvienko, a native of the village of Mala-Kartul, Pereyaslav-Khmelnytsky district, is the second wife of Konstantin Bryl, who bore him three daughters (in addition to two sons from his first marriage).
  • Police Colonel Viktor Panasenko, the former deputy head of the capital's UBEP, has worked as the head of the security service of Ukrzernoprom since 1999.
  • Anatoly Podolyaka is a longtime associate of Yuri Kravchenko, started with him in the Kirovograd region, moved with him to Kiev, in 1998-2000 he was the head of the State Traffic Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Ukraine (and the direct superior of Bryl), then deputy minister, in 2001-2004 he worked as deputy head of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine . In 2005, Podolyaka became the director of the MAUP Institute of Law, and in 2011, the temporarily unemployed Konstantin Bryl found refuge as a professor there, and then in 2015 he completed his doctoral studies at the same institute.
  • Valentin Zamnius is a businessman, at that time he was engaged in grain, and later became a co-owner of Okhtyrka LLC (USREOU 32047469) and JSC Ukrenergoinvest (USREOU 34048548).
  • Tatyana Stanislavovna Milchenko, a former resident of Dnepropetrovsk, according to information published in the media, was directly related to the Dnepropetrovsk “authority” Alexander Milchenko, nicknamed “Sailor,” who was killed in the 90s.

When Yuri Kravchenko was appointed head of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine in December 2002, he immediately took Konstantin Bryl into his department - making him a general of the tax police. Konstantin Ivanovich again began to diligently carry out Kravchenko’s personal orders. Skelet.Info sources , one of the tasks of “General Kostya” was to collect money locally and then transfer it to “Uncle Yura”.

During this period, Maya Bryl became a co-founder of another company: LLC “Hunting Trails” (USREOU 31604378) with registration in the Kyiv region, which, according to media reports, in 2004 received a lease of 49 thousand hectares (490 square kilometers) of land for hunting grounds ! However, journalists believe that we are talking not about one site, but about several, since in addition to “Hunting Trails” the Brylya family is related to a number of similar companies, among which they named: LLC “Hunting Paths Prisivashya” (Crimea), LLC “T .O.R.-Crimea", LLC "Specialized hunting farm "Pereyaslavskoye" (USREOU 32393573), LLC "Pereyaslavsky hunting yard" (USREOU 38368013), LLC "Dimerskoe hunting farm". All this was created for VIP clients, whose services included hunting not only for wild boar and roe deer, but also for moose and even deer.

It is curious that some of them were subsequently liquidated with the complete removal of all information from state registers, although references to them were preserved on the Internet - for example, about their office at the capital address Nestorovsky Lane 7/9, where the Ibis weapons store was later opened.

It’s also interesting that Maya Bryl’s companion on three hunting grounds is the son of Alexei Bakai, the mayor of Berdyansk in 1994-98 and 2010-2015, who was called the puppet of Yuri Boyko . He met Boyko during the break between two mayoral terms, when he worked in positions at Naftogaz (hence the rumors about his relationship with Igor Bakai). At the same time, at Naftogaz, one of the “public orders” of Alexey Bakai was the organization of corporate recreation with hunting, a picnic, a bathhouse (and girls) in the named hunting grounds - which he owned together with the Brylya family. But it was not only Naftogaz officials and Yanukovych’s associates who entertained themselves by corralling boars and “fucking whores” (or vice versa). Apparently, this is the secret of Konstantin Bryl’s unsinkability under any power.

And then the first Maidan happened, the power in Ukraine changed, and the boss and patron of Konstantin Bryl mysteriously committed suicide with two shots to the head. Moreover, it should be noted that Bryl was one of the two people who were the first to discover Kravchenko’s body. The second was Colonel Stanislav Soroka, another trusted man of Kravchenko, who was a type of adjutant with him. It was Bryl who led the funeral procession of Yuri Kravchenko, carrying his portrait. And he was one of those who categorically rejected the version of suicide and believed that Kravchenko was eliminated during a special operation carried out by several people.

Some even believed that Bryl so actively defended this version for a reason. After all, at first, few people believed in Kravchenko’s suicide, and many believed that this ridiculous version would burst and the truth would come out. And Bryl himself could have been involved in the alleged murder, because if this version was correct, then the ex-minister was killed either by one of the people around him, or with their assistance. And Bryl, in order to ward off suspicion, had to voice another version of the murder, with the participation of a mythical team of “ninja killers.” And another interesting note: when later the Kravchenko family tried to get the case re-investigated, for some reason Bryl suddenly developed sclerosis.

Period 2005-2008 incredibly interesting in the biography of Konstantin Bryl, because he made him an absolutely gray spot, carefully erasing him from all annals. There are only fragmentary references in the media that during these years Bryl continued to work in the tax police and strengthened the family hunting business - for example, his wife became a co-founder of the Lviv Gal-Ars LLC (another weapons store). As you can see, the arms trade brought good income to the family of the police general. And from this example, one can understand why the Ministry of Internal Affairs has always opposed the legalization of the arms market in Ukraine. In addition, in 2006, Bryl acquired two good plots in Pushcha Voditsa: on the 11th line and on Lesnaya Street. Moreover, they were issued to him under deeds of gift (donation agreements No. 2892 and No. 2888).

It was also reported that in 2006-2007, Konstantin Bryl was a member of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine. Apparently there he became close with Valery Khoroshkovsky , who in December 2007 was appointed head of the Customs Service, and already in January 2008 took Konstantin Ivanovich to his place. And not by anyone, but by the head of the Department of Homeland Security! According to numerous sources Skelet.Info , this appointment was a well-thought-out move by Khoroshkovsky and indicated a high level of trust between him and Bryl. But the fact is that the Department of Homeland Security was used for a large personnel purge of the Customs Service on the ground: some chiefs were removed and assigned the places of their people, others rushed to swear loyalty to Khoroshkovsky and discuss the amount of regularly paid tribute. But there were still others who had their own “roof” in power - and this led to war.

Troubles for Bryl began with the notorious ship “Faina” (with a cargo of military equipment), captured by Somali pirates in September 2008. Vadim Alperin took his share .

He was knocked out of the saddle by Deputy Head of Southern Customs Alexander Bondarenko, who publicly stated that Konstantin Bryl had taken the ports of Odessa and Ilyichevsk under his “roof” and had up to $200 from each cargo container there. A scandal broke out, Bryl denied everything, but beyond the scope of this scandal there was something left unspoken. Namely: through Bryl, control over the Odessa ports was given to Vadim Kaiserman, one of the “Donetsk” ones, nicknamed “the father of the tax mafia of Ukraine” and considered the mentor of Vitaly Khomutynnik . In 2006, the Donetsk people who returned to power appointed Kaiserman as deputy head of the State Tax Administration of Ukraine, and Tax Police General Bryl immediately worked with him. He worked so well that he continued to work for him even after he transferred to serve in the customs service with Valery Khoroshkovsky .

The customs war ended in defeat for Bryl: at the end of 2008, he was caught taking a bribe, albeit a “dummy” one (why did he take it?). This case was hushed up at the very beginning, Bryl was cleared out, all the news about this incident was cleared, but the general was fired anyway, and for more than a year he was doing something unknown - perhaps organizing a hunt for his high-ranking friends.

Konstantin Bryl. Unsinkable

Konstantin Bryl was brought back to the trough by the same Khoroshkovsky, whom President Yushchenko made first deputy chairman of the SBU in January 2009. A year later, he found his former assistant Bryl and appointed him senior consultant to the SBU Department of Counterintelligence Protection of the Economy (Order No. 52-OS dated January 23, 2010). As the media reported, literally on the same day Bryl rushed to restore his old connections at customs.

Bryl Konstantin: lies and gold of the Zaporozhye Governor-General. PART 2

This irrepressible zeal ended with the fact that in August 2010, Bryl again got into some kind of trouble. The case was again hushed up, and Bryl was fired again - and for several months he spent several months at the Institute of Law of the MAUP, with his old friend and partner at the Centurion company, Anatoly Podolyak, posing as a professor. But then he again threw fog into his biography. The fact is that on the Internet you can now find several options for his place of work in the period 2011-2014. Which, in general, is not surprising, since according to the testimony of his friends, Bryl himself liked to “hang out from the Internet” for a long time - perhaps in order to cover up the traces of his past. In fact, our general joined the Kyiv Regional State Administration, as deputy head of the department for internal policy and advisor to its chairman Anatoly Prisyazhnyuk - with whom Bryl had long been well acquainted both from his service in the Ministry of Internal Affairs and from his short service in the SBU.

Despite the fact that Prisyazhnyuk was the deputy chairman of the regional organization of the Party of Regions, the far-sighted Bryl did not join the ranks of the regionals, but relied on the opposition. In 2012, he ran for the Verkhovna Rada under the banner of the UDAR party, and even managed to tell voters about how he mercilessly fought corruption in tax and customs. But still, Bryl was forced to recuse himself in favor of the candidate from the united opposition, Ulyana Mostipan. But this allowed Bryl, immediately after the second Maidan, to bargain for the position of first deputy head of the Main Directorate for Combating Corruption and Organized Crime of the Central Office of the SBU. How the former pupil and trusted assistant of Yuri Kravchenko managed to fit so cleverly into the ranks of the former “Orange”, one could only guess.

But he was absolutely unlucky to serve in the SBU; Bryl never stayed there for even a year. So in 2014, he worked as deputy head of the anti-corruption department for only a few months, after which he was clearly demoted to officer for special assignments of the chairman of the SBU.

However, being a “guarantor” was very common for Bryl. He even found time for himself to run for people's deputies again, this time under the banner of the Popular Front.

And in September 2015, Konstantin Bryl was appointed deputy chairman of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration, and on April 22, 2016, right after the change of government, he headed it - allegedly being “seconded from the SBU.” This eloquently indicated that Bryl quickly “drifted” from the sinking NF to the presidential team of the “Vinnitsa”, finding new friends and patrons there. But here’s what’s interesting: Bryl arrived in Zaporozhye literally on the eve of the 2015 local elections in Berdyansk, where his companion Alexey Bakai was fighting for the post of mayor. However, the elections were won by his competitors from “Our Land”: Vladimir Chepurnoy became the mayor, and the NK faction became the largest in the City Council, and it was controlled by the main Berdyansk sponsors of “Our Land” Alexander Ponomarev and Sergei Valentirov (both people’s deputies). At the same time, the media reported that the new deputy governor supported Nash Krai in the elections to the detriment of his business partner Bakai, and that it was for this purpose that he was “sent” to Zaporozhye by the first deputy head of the Presidential Administration Vitaly Kovalchuk, called the NK curator. It seems that Berdyansk, as a port on the Azov Sea and a city close to the territory of the ATO, has become an area of ​​special attention for both Kyiv and local oligarchs. And it is possible that Bakai’s loss in the local elections was a consequence of agreements with good “compensation”.

Konstantin Bryl. Corruption on stream

The fruitfulness of the corrupt cooperation of Konstantin Bryl with Ponomarev and Valentirov can be judged at least by the fraudulent story with PJSC Azmol, the largest manufacturer of motor oils in the country. It would seem that such an enterprise should flourish. But, alas, the Zaporozhye oligarchs had been licking their lips at it for a long time, which means it was doomed to be “privatized” according to a purely Ukrainian method - by bringing the enterprise to bankruptcy. Moreover, this would have been done even earlier, but, according to Skelet.Info , back in 2010 Yuri Boyko , and his protege Alexey Bakai “guarded” the enterprise for several years. However, the Azmol Trading House, associated with Ponomarev, successfully brought the plant to ruin, and already in March 2014, immediately after the Maidan, bankruptcy proceedings were launched. Trading House Azmol, through a chain of shell companies, transferred its property claims against Azmol PJSC to Ultra Oil LLC, which also bought up the plant’s debts to the banks. As the media reported, Alexander Ponomarev is directly behind Ultra Oil, but the company has more reliably hidden its roots in offshore areas.

In the summer of 2015, a battle for the plant began in the courts, and Ponomarev was losing it - until Konstantin Bryl arrived in Zaporozhye, and in Berdyansk Alexey Bakai was replaced by Vladimir Chepurnoy. Fortune immediately turned to Ponomarev, and on August 23, 2016, an auction took place, at which, with a starting price of 156 million hryvnia, Azmol PJSC was sold to Ultra Oil for only 101 million! And all this under the direct cover of Konstantin Bryl!

And in the summer of 2016, the Zaporozhye governor launched Operation Harvest 2016 under the pretext of fighting “shadow farmers” (it turns out there are such). They say that various unscrupulous persons hide the size of harvests, do not pay taxes to the treasury, etc. In fact, it turned out that the governor’s team simply organized a large-scale redistribution of land in the region. As MP Sergei Sobolev later stated, about 30 thousand hectares of land were stolen and taken away from the residents of the region (mostly small farmers and poor villagers), which were then given to the latifundists. In desperation, people even blocked the highway to draw the attention of journalists and the public to the lawlessness of Bryl.

It is curious that Bryl also decided to classify the results of this operation “Harvest 2016” (that is, information about the redistribution of land) to the public! But he did not take into account the fact that he would have to fight not only with the common people, whose voice he habitually ignores. Deputies' inquiries poured in, then appeals to law enforcement agencies, and it even came to the point of searches conducted in March 2017 in the office of the head of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration! But Bryl got away with it, just as criminal proceedings No. 4201700000000299 under Article 361-1 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, opened against Konstantin Bryl for deliberate refusal to submit an electronic declaration, were not continued.

But these were far from the first searches that law enforcement officers carried out in the departments of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration after Bryl’s accession there. For example, in August, investigators raided the Department of Social Protection: they had many questions regarding fraud and theft of budget funds for the children’s health program at the Azov resort of Kirillovka. By the way, Kirillovka itself is a very problematic place: in the summer up to 40 thousand people concentrate here (after the annexation of Crimea even more), but in the village there is no water supply or sewage system, all sewage is drained directly into the sea!

Bryl repeatedly promised to restore order there, but no real action followed: Skelet.Info reported that his only goal was to “clear” the place there in order to then carry out the deforestation of land plots.

The natural and sad result of the corruption reigning in Konstantin Bryl’s circle was the environmental disaster in the Molochny Estuary, which broke out in September 2017. Then tens of thousands of adult commercial fish died, an epidemiological situation arose, and the total damage to the state amounted to 40 million hryvnia. The cause of the disaster was the untimely clearing of the ravine connecting the estuary and the Sea of ​​Azov. And to be precise, no one was going to clean it: the 1.3 million hryvnia allocated for this (a greatly inflated estimate of the cost of the work) they decided to simply pocket.

Moreover, the companies of Sergei Valentirov were involved in this, which was also confirmed by telephone correspondence between Konstantin Bryl and Vitaly Gordienko ( head of the environmental department of the Regional State Administration) and Dmitry Volovik (director of the Azov National Natural Park), published by journalists. This disaster culminated in yet another search, carried out in the Department of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration.

Another story related to fish: on July 5, 2018, the police, the Maritime Guard of the State Border Service and the SBU detained vessels engaged in illegal fishing in the Sea of ​​Azov. At the same time, they began to unravel a whole tangle of intricacies of ongoing poaching: searches were carried out at 25 coastal sites in Berdyansk, more than 500 tons (!) of illegally caught fish were seized. Governor Bryl immediately rushed to the aid of the poachers, declaring that they were not poachers at all, but ... scientists who were catching fish for research. And the most amazing thing is that he was formally right! It turned out that the poachers were operating under the roof of the Institute of Fisheries and Marine Ecology, which issued them fishing permits. The only thing is that each permit was issued for several tens of kilograms, and poachers caught tons of it. And then the catch was sold through companies in which both Bryl and Valentirov were involved: Talvar LLC (EDRPOU 37048074), Dukar LLC (39795574), Varior LLC (33580003), RP Breeze LLC (13606589), Private Enterprise "Antias" (37291060), Private Enterprise "RKP Mayak" (03888931), LLC "Fish Processing Company "9 Val" (39405862), LLC "Reef" (20493364), LLC "TD Rybprom" (32846847).

In the spring of 2017, the prosecutor's office of the Zaporozhye region investigated the case of embezzlement by the leadership of the Regional State Administration of 4 million hryvnia, stolen through the Department of Civil Defense under a program for the disposal of 100 tons of pesticides. No one even thought of disposing of them: dangerous toxic chemicals were simply taken to one of the industrial sites.

Another search was carried out in the fall of 2017 in the Department of Housing and Communal Services of the Regional State Administration, in connection with the discovery of budget fraud and embezzlement associated with work on the Orekhovsky water pipeline. And in March 2018, a search was carried out in the Capital Construction Department of the Regional State Administration. The reason is the construction of a kindergarten in Balabino, for which 3.2 million hryvnia were allocated. According to the documents signed by officials, the kindergarten was already ready, and they decided to bring furniture into it. Imagine the surprise of the movers when, instead of a kindergarten at the specified address, they saw only piles driven into the ground!

It is not surprising that such a governor, with whom the Zaporozhye region quickly slipped to the level of downshifters even by Ukrainian standards, is causing increasing dissatisfaction among its residents. Opponents of Konstantin Bryl more than once organized mass protests - to which he reacted very irritably. “They are not ATO veterans, but impostors,” Bryl shouts at the activists of these actions and claims that they “work for the image of Russian TV channels.”

Acquired by back-breaking labor

So, as everyone can see from the declarations of the Zaporozhye governor Konstantin Bryl, during 2016-2017 (he hid information for 2015) he received income from several budget sources: the SBU, the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration, and then a pension (according to length of service, from 47 years). It is not surprising that poor residents of Zaporozhye look at Bryl in much the same way as their grandfathers looked at Hitler. However, the official salary and pension are only a very small part of Konstantin Bryl’s total income, some of which he recorded in the name of relatives, and some of which he did not declare at all. Therefore, searching for the governor’s treasures became a favorite pastime of first Zaporozhye and then Kyiv journalists.

Bryl himself has two houses in Pusha-Voditsa (629 and 282 sq.m.), on plots “given” to him in 2006. The governor tried to convince journalists that he personally built these houses together with his father. If this is so, then they should become masons! In addition, a “hunting house” with an area of ​​318 square meters is registered in his wife Maya’s name. meters and an apartment in Kyiv with an area of ​​223 sq. meters in house No. 43 on Turgenevskaya Street. Plus a Kiev apartment (78 sq.m.), registered in the name of his eldest daughter Valeria.

And now what is not indicated in the declaration: real estate in Crimea, registered in the name of the wife (Maya Bryl) and father-in-law (Pyotr Matvienko) of the Zaporozhye governor. There is a lot of real estate - it looks like they got into the resort business there. Firstly, these are two boathouses in the village of Utes (Alushta) of 78 sq.m. each, which are multi-storey mini-hotels on the shore, registered as boat hangars (in Crimea they built up the coast in resort areas). Secondly, this is a three-story house with an area of ​​358 square meters. meters in Alupka at 7 Primorsky Lane (next to the Vorontsov Palace), which was acquired in 2011, reconstructed into a cottage-hotel and registered to Peter Matvienko. Also, a building with an area of ​​443 sq.m. was designed for him in Utes (Alushta). meter for “recreational purposes” at the address Princess Gagarina 25 (registration number 512844801103).

But the resort interests of the Brylya-Matvienko family are not limited to Crimea alone. And what is Crimea on the scale of the Ukrainian governor and SBU general? Little things, just embarrassing yourself in public! Therefore, their eyes turned to the international resort in Miami (Florida, USA), where Maya Bryl visited in April 2017. But not as a tourist (the Brylya family had already vacationed in Miami at the Ritz-Carlton Hotel), but on a business visit. What was Maya doing in Miami then? She visited its suburb of Sunny Isles Beach, where she became keenly interested in the Estates at Acqualina skyscrapers, which sell luxury apartments. This gave rise to interesting speculation: is the Brylya family planning to take their resort business to a whole new level, or are they looking for an apartment in Miami for themselves, in case the governor-general is forced to flee from Ukraine?

It is worth paying attention to their large family fleet of vehicles. Only from registered ones: “Volkswagen Caddy”, “Range Rover”, “Mersedes Benz S 350”, “Toyota Camry” - not counting the cars they use by proxy (“Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG”, “Mercedes-Benz SLK” 200", "Mercedes-Benz S 500", "Mercedes-Benz Viano", etc.). Plus expensive “trinkets”: several Swiss watches, a “redneck” Vertu Signature phone ($8,500), expensive hunting rifles (several thousand dollars each). However, the Bryls spend no less money on regular trips abroad (that’s who benefited from the visa-free regime) to the most expensive resorts in the world. His daughters were especially successful in this, having already visited Courchevel, Monte Carlo, the Maldives (the five-star Sun Aqua Vilu Reef hotel) and the Cote d'Azur, in Florida. Each of these trips costs several thousand dollars, some cost five-digit sums, and this does not take into account shopping tours to expensive boutiques in France and Monaco.

The governor adores his daughters and spares no money for them. Neither for the education of the younger one in the elite Novopechersk School, nor for the education of the older one in Britain, nor for their leisure time in the Butenko Stable equestrian club (160 thousand hryvnia per year). Skelet.Info sources close to members of the Brylya family, the daughters do not plan to live in Ukraine in the future - just like the governor’s sons, who left for Germany. Moreover, they left at the right time - right before they came of age, so as not to serve in the Ukrainian army. After all, Ukraine for the Brylya family seems to be nothing more than a “feeding territory.”


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