Monday, July 8, 2024

In the spotlight

Ermak's people. Koval Vitaly Stanislavovich – New head of the State Property Fund of Ukraine

Koval is Vice-President of the Ukrainian Wrestling Association. The President of the Ukrainian Wrestling Association is Elbrus Tedeev, a former people’s deputy of the Party of Regions whose assistant Andrei Ermak was for 10 years.

Tedeev was part of the organized crime group of Boris Savlokhov (head coach in freestyle wrestling). In Ukraine, Tedeev represented the interests of Mikhail Mamiashvili, the leader of the Ossetian community and ethnic organized crime groups in the territory of the former USSR. Mamiashvili President of the Russian Wrestling Federation, since 1997, colonel, ex-head of CSKA.

Mamiashvili is a friend of Putin, a crime boss. In 2015, entry into the United States was prohibited. Immediate supervisor of Dzambolata Tedeev. In 2012, Yanukovych awarded him an order for some merits.

Now Koval, Tedeev’s partner (Ermak’s employer) has received the go-ahead from the Office of the President, the Cabinet of Ministers and the Verkhovna Rada to appoint the State Property Fund of Ukraine (instead of Umerov, whom Ermak appointed as Minister of Defense).

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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