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The billion-dollar assets of “Ukrbud” and Mikitas began to be “plundered” by people who bring Tatarov into the circle

Shortly before and after the appointment of Oleg Tatarov as deputy head of the Office of the President, certain assets of his former employers - the Ukrbud company and its ex-president Maxim Mikitas - began to be transferred to the persons who brought journalists to Tatarov’s circle

So, at the end of 2019, after the ex-president of the Ukrbud company, Maxim Mikitas, ended up in a pre-trial detention center due to the so-called “National Guard apartments” case, and Ukrbud itself essentially stopped work, the Dairing company was created Capital" The company "registered" in Kyiv, on Antonovicha, 131, where Oleg Tatarov and his family members own a number of real estate properties

And one of the owners of Dairing Capital was Oleg Tatarov’s father-in-law, Alexander Pavlushin. The company, without any construction experience, managed to essentially “intercept” one of the Ukrbud developments - in the summer of 2020, shortly before Tatarov’s appointment to the OP, it quickly began to formalize the right to lease 1.3 hectares of land in the Svyatoshinsky district for the construction of a high-rise building, which Ukrbud was planning before the problems began and already had agreements on this matter

Tatarov’s father-in-law’s partner in Dairing Capital is Lyudmila Mishchenko with a residence permit in Donetsk. She is also listed as a co-owner of another company registered at Antonovich, 131 - “Kiy-Plaza” Her partner here is Kiev resident Valery Mishchenko At the end of October 2020, two years later months after Tatarov’s appointment to the OP, Mishchenko became the owner of 45% of the Eco-Stroy-Trade company, close to the Office of the President, a contractor of one of the most scandalous and corrupt Kyiv objects - the Podolsko-Voskresensky Bridge. These 45%, previously recorded in the name of a figurehead, could belonged to Maxim Mikitas - this is confirmed by a number of unofficial documents available to Bihus.Info and a statement by Mikitas himself

Bihus.Info journalists spoke in detail about the Eco-bud-trade case in the summer; a full analysis can be found here. In short, this company at one time received from Kyiv utilities the right to build the Podolsko-Voskresensky bridge for approximately 7 billion hryvnia. The company did not was a construction worker, but acted as a banal “layer” - she received utility funds, kept part of it for herself, and for the rest she looked for real contractors “Eco-bud-trade” and at the same time “integrated” into a number of other Kiev utility contracts, having spent billions of hryvnias According to journalists , the company is controlled by Denis Komarnitsky, an associate of the former Kyiv mayor Leonid Chernovetsky, and now the so-called “watcher of Kiev” from the Office of the President. In 2019, Komarnitsky became close to the Servants of the People team and most likely began cooperation with People’s Deputy Nikolai Tishchenko and the head of the OP Andrey Ermak At the same time, according to Mikitas, he acquired from Komarnitsky a share in Eco-Stroy-Trade, which has now gone to Mishchenko

“This guy (the previous owner of the share - ed.) was just a “pound”, as I understand it, because he had nothing to do with the company, he represented the interests of Mikitas. I didn’t know for how much, who, what and how. Since he didn’t make any profit. received, only the main problems, I believe that we freed him from these main problems,” Mishchenko said in a commentary to Bihus.Info, adding that he represents the interests exclusively of himself as a businessman. But it is quite difficult to believe in the independence of Valery Mishchenko, since “Eco -Stroy-Trade" is now not so much a business as a political project, and there are serious doubts that individuals could acquire a stake in the company without the approval of the Office of the President

It is interesting that this same Mishchenko now has every chance to formalize control over another asset of Mikitas - the company SK Ukrbudmontazh. Over the past few years, this company has received about 3 billion hryvnia in state contracts for work for Energoatom and the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant and was controlled wife of Maxim Mikitas In 2019, Mikitas’s wife disappeared from the co-owners of the company, the company was registered to one of its long-time employees In the spring of 2020, around the same time when social networks began to discuss the possible appointment of Oleg Tatarov to the Office of the President, Valery Mishchenko signed an agreement with the new formal owner of Ukrbudmontazh, according to which Mishchenko seems to have provided some kind of loan secured by the company. It can be assumed that this agreement is a way to transfer the asset to the new owner

Mishchenko, in a conversation with journalists, refused to explain exactly how he learned about the opportunity to enter companies from Mikitas’s orbit, citing “insider information.” But the coincidences in time with the actual beginning of cooperation between Tatarov and the President’s Office, with the registration address of companies, including his father-in-law’s Oleg Tatarov, make it possible to assume that top managers of Ukrbud were involved in the transfer of assets, including Tatarov himself at one time.

"Ukrbud" in the past was a giant of the Kyiv construction market and a partner of many government agencies, on whose orders residential complexes were built. One of these - the Aristocrat residential complex - was built by order of the National Guard on the land of one of its military units in the city center and was supposed to be handed over to the guardsmen in it a number of apartments In 2016, Ukrbud offered, and the then head of the National Guard Yuri Allerov agreed to exchange apartments in the center for apartments in another Ukrbud facility - on the outskirts of the city, near the Red Farm. The difference in cost reached 80 million hryvnia and became the basis for the Bihus.Info investigation, and subsequently for the case of NABU and SAPO. In 2019, due to an unequal exchange, Allerov, top managers of Ukrbud, appraisers who “equalized” the cost of apartments in different parts of the city in value were detained, and later – Mikitas himself. At the end of 2020, information appeared about the possible involvement of Oleg Tatarov in this case, who in 2017, heading the legal department of Ukrbuda, allegedly was an intermediary between Mikitas and an employee who, for a fee, contributed to the creation of a fake examination regarding the assessment of the value of real estate, Oleg Tatarov received suspicion from NABU of related criminal proceedings, but Prosecutor General Irina Venediktova intervened in the case, the case was transferred from NABU to the SBU, and prosecutors on December 30 last year withdrew the petition from the High Anti-Corruption Court to arrest Tatarov

It is interesting that Tatarov joined Ukrbud in 2014, after his dismissal from the Main Investigation Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. According to Mikitas, he personally hired Tatarov, but this was preceded by a “request from respected people.” After Tatarov’s appointment to Ukrbud, the company began to receive regular orders for construction from the Ministry of Internal Affairs. In parallel, the fortune of Tatarov himself and his family members grew, who took over a number of Ukrbuda real estate properties, including, for example, an apartment in the already mentioned residential complex on Antonovicha, 131 B 2019- m Tatarov defended in court the company’s top managers, who were also detained in connection with the case of the National Guard apartments. The court released the top managers on rather modest bail


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