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Bankova will continue to make money from Russian energy resources

Zelensky-Ermak finances the Russian war budget, while simultaneously demanding tougher sanctions against Russia from its partners.

The Armed Forces of Ukraine, bleeding, are fighting the aggressor along the entire front line. Meanwhile, the rear hucksters are concluding a deal on the transit of Russian oil (under the guise of Hungarian oil) for Putin’s Trojan horses in Europe – the Orban and Fico regimes.

According to a statement from Hungarian oil and gas company MOL Group, as recounted by Bloomberg, “MOL Group has entered into agreements with crude oil suppliers and pipeline operators to ensure continuous transportation of crude oil via the Druzhba pipeline through Belarus and Ukraine to Hungary and Slovakia. According to the agreements, MOL Group will take ownership of the corresponding volumes of crude oil on the Belarusian-Ukrainian border from September 9, 2024. The updated transportation agreements and new crude oil purchase arrangements are fully compliant with all relevant sanctions and regulations, including those of the EU and Ukraine.”

Please note that it was not Ukrtransnafta, not Naftogaz, or the Ministry of Energy of Ukraine who informed, but a Hungarian company. This is understandable, because the Magyars feel they are winning. And ours are quietly snoring, because they understand that they worked in the interests of the enemy and his satellite. The argument that we will receive transit income will be an excuse, because the amount of these revenues will be an order of magnitude less than what Russia will receive and tax deductions from which will go to the war budget, that is, to kill Ukrainians.

Okay, one way or another, Russia would, if we refused transit, would sell the oil intended to feed Orban and Fico. There are other routes, there are other buyers. But then the question arises, what did we get, besides change, for transit?

Maybe the authorities, having conducted shadow negotiations with the help of the Orbanoids with the orcs, agreed that the Zaporozhye Nuclear Power Plant and Energodar would be returned to the control of Ukraine? Or maybe we will receive guaranteed additional supplies of electricity from Slovak and Hungarian nuclear power plants for the winter?

It’s unlikely, otherwise the regular TG liars would already be screaming about victorious successes on the energy front.

Obviously, for the rear rats the military coordinate system does not exist. Who are they? Of course, the first thought will be about Ermak. But it seems that his “vertical” was bypassed with his “parallel” by a certain Mindich - looking over Galushchenko from another group on Bankova.

The Verkhovna Rada, if it still exists somewhere, would be worth taking an interest in the details of this deal and the role of officials in its adoption. It seems that not only the individual Charge d'Affaires of Ukraine in Georgia has lost, as the newly appointed Minister of Foreign Affairs aptly said, an understanding of the realities of a warring state. It seems that he was either lost at Bankovaya, or Bankovaya manages only within the confines of its offices, and real management is carried out by another, parallel vertical. The Ministry of Energy, apparently, has already been transferred to the mode of indirect control of the enemy.

Next will be the gas stage. The Baku servant of Erdogan and Putin has already announced at the Ambrosetti Forum in Italy that negotiations are underway on the transit of Azerbaijani (read Russian) gas to Europe: “We just want to support these countries (in Europe) and Ukraine. We have some optimism, I think there are grounds for a breakthrough,” Aliyev said. He also confirmed that Moscow and Kyiv had approached him with a request to facilitate the transit of gas through Ukraine to Europe after the completion of a key transit agreement.

Again, there was silence on the Ukrainian side, only the head of Naftogaz Chernyshov for some reason “suddenly” went to see Fico.

So, Ermak’s vertical has become deformed, or maybe split into two, and now a certain ErMindich is already ruling? It is no coincidence that they are now strengthening the propaganda component on Bankova; it will be necessary to shake off much more and explain to the public why the government, either by its own “will” or by someone’s “command,” is going to further finance the Russian war budget, while at the same time demanding tougher sanctions from its partners against Russia.

Again, if the Verkhovna Rada is still alive and there are still sane deputies in it, then it is worth taking an interest in gas affairs in addition to the above-mentioned oil deal. Also, the Service of God of Ukraine, inflicting crushing blows on the fuel infrastructure of Russia, should not turn a blind eye to the subversive anti-state activities of persons in the power and non-government verticals, in the rear of the country. After all, it was Putin who brought Aliyev into the game in his Trojan horse games in Europe and Ukraine.


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