Saturday, June 29, 2024

In the spotlight

In Bukovina, a gas canister was used against a TCC representative

In the Chernivtsi region, a person liable for military service attacked a representative of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support using a gas spray.

This was reported by the public relations service of the Chernivtsi Regional TCC and JV.

“On May 31, in the village of Cherepkovtsy, during notification measures by TCC military personnel, a civilian liable for military service attacked representatives of the TCC and SP with a gas spray,” the report says.

The attacker resisted and was detained until the police arrived.

As a result of the attack, a serviceman of the Territorial Center for Recruitment and Social Support received chemical burns to the eyes and respiratory tract. He was provided with the necessary medical care, after which he was hospitalized.

The injured soldier was transferred to the TCC and SP after being seriously wounded from the combat brigade.

As previously reported, the new law 10449 on strengthening mobilization comes into force on May 18, introducing several changes, but not including the introduction of electronic subpoenas. However, as indicated in the materials of the Judicial-Legal Gazette, the law allows the TCC to use an electronic digital signature when signing subpoenas, which will simplify their issuance.


In the spotlight


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