Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

In the third year of the war in Russia, the vodka assets previously held by Khortytsia producer Chernyak were seized

In the so-called Russian Federation, seven legal entities were arrested that were previously associated with the founder of the Global Spirits holding, Evgeny Chernyak - information about this appeared in the bailiffs database. A Ukrainian businessman is “accused” of financing the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

The Feodosia Cognac and Wine Factory, the Crimean Wine House, the Russian Sever distilleries in Vologda and Rodnichok and K in Mytishchi, as well as the distributors Traditions of Success, Quality Standard and New Level were arrested ”

Until the spring of 2022, these factories and companies affiliated with them belonged to Cypriot companies, which market participants associated with Chernyak. Global Spirits stated that the Ukrainian businessman has not been doing business in Russia since 2022.

A court in Moscow ordered Chernyak’s arrest in absentia last August. He was accused of using at least 0.5 billion rubles received from the sale of Khortitsa, Morosha and Pervak ​​vodka produced in the Russian Federation to “finance the Armed Forces of Ukraine and other armed formations.”

In December 2023, the SBU charged Chernyak with supporting Russia. He publicly responded to these accusations and called them absurd.

At the same time, in December, RosSMI reported that the assets of the vodka manufacturer Khortitsa could be transferred to the temporary management of Rosimushchestvo in preparation for sale. Experts estimated the value of these assets at no less than 15 billion rubles.

Source ZNAJ

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