Categories: Incidents

In Volyn, a man tried to bribe a border guard for 1.5 thousand euros, but failed

Since the man understood that he would not be able to cross the border without the proper documents, he decided to offer a bribe to the border guard who carried out the check.

During border control in Volyn, a man who allegedly carries out international cargo transportation did not have the appropriate documents, so he offered a bribe to the border guard. The employee refused and turned to law enforcement officers.

The press service of the State Border Service reported this on Facebook on December 9.

The event took place at the Volyn checkpoint “Ustilug”.

“During the border control of a citizen who allegedly carries out international cargo transportation, it was established that he does not have documents confirming the purpose of his trip abroad,” the press service reports.

Since the man understood that he would not be able to cross the border without proper documents, he decided to offer a bribe to the border guard who carried out the check.

“Realizing that the journey was over, the man, in order to still leave for Poland, offered the border guard €1,500 in bribes. The inspector refused the unlawful benefit,” the State Tax Service adds.

After this, the border guard contacted the National Police and reported a criminal offense.


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