Sunday, October 6, 2024

In the spotlight

“Heated up” a community worth millions: in the Chernigov region, the head of the OTG is sabotaging the investigation into the actions of an unscrupulous contractor?

In the Chernihiv region, namely in the Kulikov community, a rather interesting situation is happening related to the repair of the road surface and the fact of abuse by the contractor BF Terasaprimbud LLC.

Because of this, the community suffered millions in losses, but even despite the intervention of the police, the situation can only be resolved by an appeal from the chairman of the Kulikovo village council, Yulia Posternak.

For now, both residents of the community and law enforcement officers are asking the chairman of the community to write a statement so that the community is compensated for damages for poor-quality road repairs. However, she appears to ignore these requests. But why?

Thus, from reports in local media it became known that during the pre-trial investigation, law enforcement officers established the fact of abuse of power on the part of the director of BF Terasaprimstroy LLC.

In turn, according to officially released data from the police in the Chernihiv region, which previously conducted an investigation, such actions on the part of the contractor led to damage to the community’s budget in the amount of UAH 2,997,459. Finally, in order to document this fact, it became necessary to involve a representative of the victim from the customer of the Kulikovsky Village Council.

But as it became known from local sources, the situation froze, because dozens of appeals to the chairman of the Kulikovka village council, Yulia Posternak, were allegedly ignored. Moreover, as an insider source noted, the official refused to file a statement about the crime committed. And this, in turn, makes it impossible to conduct a full and objective pre-trial investigation.

The question arises: how can the community afford such losses and what could be the reason for such actions by the chairman of the village council?

“He is authorized to provide official conclusions on the quality of the work done and the compliance of its results with current state standards. , allowed a set of works to be carried out of obviously lower quality,” the message says.

But, according to the police, he issued and certified with his seal an acceptance certificate that contained false information about the volume of work performed and the consumption of building materials. Based on this act, the unscrupulous contractor received payment in the amount of almost 3 million budget hryvnia for work that was actually not subject to acceptance due to its non-compliance with standards.

This situation attracted the attention of not only the police and locals, but also the media, which demanded the chairman of the village council to intervene. But, as we learned as part of a small monitoring, the head of Kulikovka has already collaborated with this LLC, so there are probably other reasons for Yulia Posternak’s ignoring this precedent.

Tenders of BF Terasaprimstroy LLC with the Kulikovsky Village Council

According to Open Data, the owner and founder of the company is Ukrainian citizen Zorik Khorenovich Barseghyan. However, the portal also indicates that the director of the LLC was changed 3 months ago, and previously the position of director was held by some Rustam Gevorgyan. Also, according to the data, several beneficial owners and founders were “removed” and replaced several times.

For 2023, the company received UAH 26,985,000. income and 1,398,800 UAH. arrived. In turn, in 2024, thanks to tenders, the company earned UAH 12,463,775. Moreover, the last two tenders were related to the Kulikovsky village council for almost 18 million UAH.

It is also interesting that the management of the village council entered into contracts with this contractor several times to carry out repair work on the roadway in different areas of the village. Yes, we are talking about major repairs that were carried out in July and August 2023.

There are also several criminal cases against this company, the latest of which concerns Kulikovka specifically.

“Officials of LLC CONSTRUCTION FIRM “TERASAPRIMSTROY”, for the purpose of illegal enrichment, with the knowledge of officials of the Kulikovsky village council, who are managers of budget funds, carry out work under the specified contracts in violation of construction standards, inflate their volumes and costs, and do not perform most of the work in general,” says the ruling of the Novozavodsky District Court.

However, even despite the presence of court cases, active publicity and law enforcement investigations, Ms. Posternak allegedly continues to ignore the requests of the population. According to insiders, the official not only does not want to be responsible for budget money, but also to help the investigation bring an unscrupulous contractor to justice.

What is known about the head of the village council Yulia Posternak?

At one time, local media published a short dossier on Yulia Posternak. So, according to the data, Yulia Posternak is 35 years old. She has a higher education, graduated from three higher educational institutions.

Before being elected to the post of Kulikovsky village head, she held the position of head of the department of social protection of the population of the Kulikovsky district state administration.

She ran for election as a self-nominated candidate. Yulia Alexandrovna received 3,009 votes (43 percent). An equally interesting fact is that with her election the community, we quote, “feminized.” For example, out of 12 elders, only three are men.

We decided to check the declared condition of the head of the village council, however, there is not a single open declaration of the official online, although she declared her condition at least once, in 2019.

Finally, in order not to be one-sided and to better understand the situation, our journalists contacted Yulia Posternak for comment. However, the official asked to comment on this case, citing the fact that “this scandalous situation has not yet been closed.”

“I can’t comment on this case now; it is not closed yet. The work of law enforcement agencies continues today, so I cannot get ahead of myself or comment now. NO ONE contacted me with anything. Also, if there are comments from law enforcement agencies, there are comments from someone else... I can’t imagine from anyone else... This is what the court is for,” she said.

To summarize, it is worth noting that the probable inaction on the part of the head of the community, Yulia Posternak, allows the contractor to avoid criminal liability, and the community risks losing about 3 million. That is why StopCor will continue to monitor this situation.


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