Sunday, December 22, 2024

In the spotlight

Tax system of Ukraine: ONLY liquidate, cannot be saved

The Business Ombudsman Council of Ukraine presented an excellent study “Tax Audits.

Check, but trust." Even without going into the details of tax reform, even outside the context of economic science, the conclusions of respected experts from the Office of the Ombudsman are valuable material for all those who really, and not declaratively, strive for the victory of Ukraine both at the front and in the economy.

Taking into account the given data, figures and estimates, the following conclusions can be drawn:

1) there are neither scientific, nor managerial, nor social, nor moral grounds to preserve the current tax system. No matter who the president, the prime minister, the minister of finance, the chairman of the tax committee of the Verkhovna Rada is, such a tax system will “eat up”, will nullify any politician, any government body.

2) The current tax system of Ukraine is a 100 percent guarantee of corruption, schematosis and a reboot of the oligarchy.

3) The current tax system of Ukraine is a guaranteed slowdown in economic growth, a dead end for economic modernization.

4) The current tax system of Ukraine is the feudalism of the Official/Controller/Schemist, and not the freedom of activity and choice of the Entrepreneur and the Consumer.

5) The current tax system of Ukraine is the most dangerous source of destruction of Ukraine from within in terms of the defeat and expulsion of human, financial and entrepreneurial capital.

6) The current tax system of Ukraine is not able to provide adequate funding for the Armed Forces of Ukraine and balance this task with the creation of favorable conditions for investors.

7) The current tax system of Ukraine destroys trust in the State, in the Entrepreneur, pushes economically active Ukrainians into the “gray” sphere, thereby destroying trust that the law in the country is fair.


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