Saturday, October 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Natalya Kozlovskaya put into operation an unfinished building in Lviv after providing a $20,000 bribe to the head of DIAM Novitsky

With a bribe of 20 thousand dollars, the developer put into operation an unfinished apartment building on Kastelovtsy Street - Academician Sakharov Street in Lviv, with the preliminary demolition of the existing building.

“I can’t remain silent, although the inspectors asked them not to rent out... 20 thousand bucks direct bribe to the head of DIAM from the developer for putting into operation an UNFINISHED apartment building on the street. Kastelovtsy – st. Academician A. Sakharov with the demolition of an existing building in Lviv,” writes activist Viktor Gleba. And this despite the fact that the arrangement has not yet been removed and construction work continues...

According to the activist, the money was transferred “to the top” through a fake activist, lawyer, member of the Confederation, friend and assistant of Deputy Minister Natalia Viktorovna Kozlovskaya - Danchuk Olga Olegovna.

Danchuk Olga

Danchuk is connected with Kozlovskaya because of her Lviv friend Vita Pavlov, who previously worked at the Lviv State Automobile Inspectorate and is now an employee of Kozlovskaya’s Ministry. Vita Pavliv is connected with the “decisive” Danchuk because of her shares in the joint company - Galbudzapad LLC


How did the events take place?

During an inspection of the above-mentioned construction site by the chief inspectors of the DIAM department, Kostiv Rostislav and Marta Podkovka, a number of violations were identified.



Novitsky Alexander

The chairman of DIAM, Alexander Valerievich Novitsky, personally took it upon himself to “resolve the issue,” after an extremely heated call from Olga Danchuk, who was also at the site in a state of heavy alcoholic intoxication. It was precisely because of the large dose of alcohol in her blood that Danchuk plucked up courage and tried to command the building supervision inspectors and tell them what shortcomings should never be recorded, threatening connections with Novitsky and the possible upcoming dismissal of the inspectors on her personal instructions. An interesting fact is that Marta Pidkovka is 100% an accomplice of Danchuk, and goes to all the objects of the “lawyers who decided”.

After such a call, Novitsky personally gave instructions to contact Danchuk and be calmer at the site. Since he was not satisfied with the inspection findings regarding violations of norms and laws, he ordered a re-inspection, which is his personal invention and violates the norms of current legislation, namely the Procedure for accepting completed construction projects into operation for the purpose of obtaining unlawful benefits.

The first deputy of DIAM, Irina Nikolaevna Gioane, who personally was a great friend of Olga Olegovna Danchuk, took on the task of “resolving the issue.”

At the direction of the head of DIAM Novitsky, the chief inspector of the department for performing permitting and registration functions Babich Svetlana Vadimovna (Novitsky’s head), who already has problems with law enforcement agencies in the context of unlawful actions in issuing certificates of readiness and providing false testimony to the legislation, was registered and issued a certificate of acceptance into operation of an unfinished apartment building on the street. Kastelovtsy – st. Academician Sakharov with the demolition of the existing building.

Svetlana Babich personally gave instructions to remove the comments on the certificate of inspectors Kostiv and Podkovka, and also asked to falsify the photo report.

After the certificate of acceptance for operation was issued, Olga Danchuk came to Alexander Novitsky, where during the meeting she gave him $20,000 as a thank you for his help.

It’s very interesting how much of this twenty Novitsky allocated to Svetlana Babich for the fact that she took upon herself all criminal responsibility with her signature on the certificate?

The meeting of a friend’s assistant with a subordinate of an official of the Ministry of Reconstruction was monitored by activists. In particular, a conversation with her was recorded from the inspectors' chest cameras.

It was established from the records that, at the direction of the head of DIAM, Alexander Valerievich Novitsky, a certificate was issued for the acceptance of completed construction projects into operation, namely, an apartment building on the street. Kastelovtsy – st. Academician Sakharov with the demolition of an existing building (Avalon Prime residential complex) with numerous violations of DBN, laws and DSTU.

It is also known that Olga Danchuk, handing over the money, also demanded that Novitsky fire the inspectors, just as the head of TU DIAM in Lviv was fired in order to place Ilnitskaya, who was convenient for herself and Gione, in this chair.

The entire conversation was recorded on the inspectors' body cameras. We hope that Victor Gleba will make this video public too.

Outside opinion

I wonder how Semyon Krivonos will behave, who was also tagged in a Facebook message, but he removed this tag from himself. After all, it was Krivonos who lobbied for the appointment of Novitsky and Gioane as exceptional anti-corruption officials and professional experts in the urban planning industry?


Natalya Kozlovskaya

Kozlovskaya’s reaction is known in advance. Natalya Viktorovna will now make every effort to fire Novitsky because he is so stupid in collecting funds for her by fulfilling the order.

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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