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Inadequate from the SVRU Rostislav Gnuchy fights with a woman

This spy story began like in a movie. She is a beautiful top manager of a large Ukrainian company, he is an intelligence officer, practically “agent 007”. They lived beautifully on her money, he did not deny himself anything.

The woman earned money, her husband helped in the construction of a country house, which he had always dreamed of, but was not financially willing to do. There were no signs of trouble, when suddenly her son from his first marriage had a suicidal attack.

A visit to a child psychologist... and an unexpected conclusion: my mother’s boyfriend turned out to be an abuser with suspected psychopathic personality disorders. It was he who brought the child to a difficult psychological state.

From that moment on, things began to emerge that the woman had never paid attention to. For example, after the appearance of that “real” internal security colonel of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine Gnuchiy Rostislav Georgievich (born March 14, 1973), friends in her life somehow became distant. They hinted that he was following everyone on social networks. It came to mind that her husband boasted about folders in which he had collected incriminating evidence on everyone, including his own management. Then the woman thought that this was part of his job, but now she realized that these were signs of a psychological personality disorder. That Mr. Gnuchiy is looking for incriminating evidence for the sake of power over others - whoever owns the information controls destinies and trades incriminating evidence. The fear and feeling of constant, abusive control became unbearable.

If someone says that this is part of his job, let him check his own private life, has someone like Flexible dug into it? And this woman’s life has nothing to do with the work of the SVRU. In addition, no authority provided authorization for its tracking.

Of course, the woman decided to break off this relationship as quickly as possible, and invited the gentleman Gnuchy to leave her and her son. But Rostislav was furious, because living on one officer’s salary, even with all the allowances, additional payments and “mutkas,” was not part of his plans. In order to keep the main source of income under control and to appropriate a country house that did not belong to him, Gnuchiy was ready to do anything: collect incriminating evidence on those around him and pursue a woman with a small child, deflate car tires, damage property and break locks on doors, which was also recorded by the police .

Extract from the Unified State Register

“Agent 007” threatened anyone who at least somehow doubted the legality of his stay in the building with military weapons and subpoenas from the “TCK”. Now the internal agent has turned around in full...

But before we talk about some of Mr. Gnuchy’s spy games, I would like to remind you that all the instruments and technical intelligence equipment used are paid for out of our pockets. That is, we are the ones who pay taxes to maintain the security apparatus, expecting fair protection on their part (a kind of collective agreement between citizens and the state). Moreover, now there is a war, and every penny should bring us closer to the coveted victory. But, probably, the officer of the Foreign Intelligence Service of Ukraine Gnuchy decided that in the troubled waters of martial law it was safer to fight on the amorous front than on the real one. And in war, all means will come in handy. Therefore, the “xiva” of a secret service employee turned out to be an indispensable “weapon of mass destruction” for the brains of law enforcement officers. How else can we explain the further behavior of human rights activists of all ranks?

Therefore, you probably already understood: when the woman was not at home, our Mr. Gnuchy entered his ex’s house and professionally stuffed her with cameras and wiretaps, like a wedding loaf of roses (which he later confesses to the police). To conduct surveillance, an experienced “spy” rented an apartment directly above her home... it’s not a fact that we (taxpayers) also paid for it, as a secret one... Looking ahead, we’ll explain that the SVRU refused to check this fact. Therefore, Mr. Gnuchiy still lives there, continuing his espionage activities, because no one is even trying to stop him.

Spyware is also installed on the woman’s phone; perhaps there are trackers and bugs in the car, but checking them requires special equipment and frankly expensive services. Although what has already been found is more than enough to bring intelligence officer Officer Gnuchiy Rostislav Georgievich to criminal responsibility, this is where the fun begins! Since law enforcement officers love specifics with evidence, let’s not be unfounded. Only the basics, without unnecessary details, so as not to be distracted.

So, when in February 2024, in her own apartment, a woman twice found professional devices for covert information capture, which were installed in the kitchen (hidden behind cabinets) and in the bedroom (connected to the TV to record video and audio) and worked all the time, she called the SOG Podolsk UP GUNP in the city of Kyiv (with a criminologist). These devices were seized, sealed, and her requests were registered accordingly.

However, instead of responding in accordance with the imperative requirements of Art. 214 of the Criminal Procedure Code of Ukraine and the opening of criminal proceedings, unauthorized police officers simply talked with “colleague” Gnuchiy R.G., listened and rewrote his version of events, and then, without any verification and any legal grounds, simply gave him all the material evidence that was seized from the woman's apartment.

That is, so that you understand correctly, police officers literally presented material evidence in criminal proceedings to a potential suspect. This is the same as giving a murder weapon to a murderer. Although, why should we be surprised? The police chief, who gave the evidence, frankly told the victim: “There is no corpse. What is there to explore here?

When criminal proceedings 12024105070000194 were nevertheless opened by the inquiry department of the Podolsk UP GUNP in the city of Kyiv, on the basis of a decision of the Podolsk district court of the city of Kyiv, though only under Art. 356 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (instead of Articles 182, 359 and 364 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine), then nothing more was done except for the interrogation of the victim (that woman) during all this time. Given the lack of key evidence presented by the police to a potential suspect, and the reluctance of those in charge to disturb the “respected” employee of the Foreign Intelligence Service, the case is “frozen.”

Probably, it could not have happened without the intervention of the Service itself - since, according to its response, the Service refused an internal investigation into the actions of its employee, but attention was transferred to external criminal proceedings under a general article, from which the Service’s open intention is seen to protect its employee from any persecution.

An appeal to the Office of the Prosecutor General and the Department of Internal Security of the National Police of Ukraine regarding the deliberate transfer of material evidence to a potential suspect by police officers, after a couple of months, “went down” and was “buried” somewhere in the wilds of the Main Directorate of the National Police of the city of Kyiv without any response and response, no matter how many times they write or call. Complete silence and ignoring. Judging by the available but unconfirmed information - again not without the participation of their “colleague” Mr. R.G. Gnuchiy - the case is simply “leaked.”

The report about the commission of the above-mentioned criminal offense by police officers and - most importantly - by an employee of the SVRU (unfounded acquisition of material evidence by a potential suspect), submitted to the Territorial Directorate of the State Bureau of Investigation in the city of Kyiv, was considered for three weeks, and again, instead of fulfilling the direct and unconditional requirements of Art. 214 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of Ukraine and the opening of criminal proceedings, a refusal to open such opening was sent. That is, the SBI did not find any violations, and such a procedure, in their opinion, is the norm.

But the internal document flow and possession of information in the SBI are so confused that this refusal to open criminal proceedings (which in itself is a gross violation of the content of the Code of Criminal Procedure) was granted after the TU SBI received a decision from the Shevchenkovsky District Court of the city of Kyiv, with a requirement to TU The State Bureau of Investigation in Kyiv opens criminal proceedings. And this is a direct and deliberate failure to comply with a court decision.

About this crime, provided for in Art. 382 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine, a separate report was submitted about the criminal offense committed by the responsible persons of the TU SBI in the city of Kyiv - to the Office of the Prosecutor General, but again there was no reaction from there, which is already perceived as a tradition. Or simply because the prosecutor’s office exists in a completely different dimension than you and I.

Only when the Office of the President simply sent another complaint down, the TU SBI in Kyiv saw the court’s decision and opened criminal proceedings 62024100120000528, but under Article 388 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine (instead of Article 365 of the Criminal Code) in order not to bother the “respected person” too much and to close it faster. And after that, she again informed the woman that she did not see any corpus delicti. Judging by this correspondence and the tenacity with which the investigator hides from contact with the victim, this is a proceeding... Apparently because the intelligence officer’s “xiva” again hit the target.

As for the response of the employer, Mr. Gnuchiy R.G. – Ukrainian Foreign Intelligence Service? In response to the first request to conduct an inspection, a letter was received according to which no grounds were found for an official inspection of the actions of the SVRU officer, but a willingness was expressed to cooperate within the framework of criminal proceedings 12024105070000194 in the Podolsk UP GUNP in Kyiv, which cannot move further. To the second appeal with additional evidence of gross violations by Mr. Gnuchiy, the Service received a response in the style of “move on from here and don’t interfere.” Not only was the worker not punished, he was even encouraged. How else can we explain the fact that, in a strange way, Gnuchiy continues his economic activities in the seized house, while having a service and rented apartment.

Legal appeal to the SVRU

If they brush us off like a mad fly, does that mean that in the SVRU this practice is an established norm by someone?

SVRU's response

This means that it is commonplace for them to rent a safe house for their own needs (or pleasures), to stuff the home of strangers with cameras, to spy on relatives, friends and lovers (and not only their own), to put pressure on their business and “muddy up” their own, to threaten with weapons and reprisals, to wiretap any phones at your own request? And then quietly write everything off as “personal squabbles,” “close the estimate,” and forget.

Why are the criminal talents of Mr. Gnuchiy so uninteresting to the Service, which should care about the cleanliness of the reputation of its employees? And here there are several hypotheses:

1. “Local Moriarty.” In this case, we are looking at a person who has almost complete access to secrets, classified information and the ability to obtain any information. The psychopathic professional hatred of colleagues, which Gnuchy repeatedly expressed in his statements, inspired the “agent” to “dig” under everyone in order to use blackmail to stay in his position under any power.

This, by the way, explains his fanatical passion for bees. This is an ideal secure place for storing information, where no one can penetrate without risk, and even dogs will not hear anything. “Agent 007” protects his hives better than state secrets: he has equipped the area with surveillance cameras and threatens anyone inquisitive with weapons. He feels like the master of fate in the house, although in fact he is an illegal immigrant. And he’s not going anywhere from there.

2. “Mole”. What is the purpose of unauthorized collection of information? As far as we know, there are direct family ties of our “hero” with citizens who openly await the arrival of the “Russian world”, and calmly hold meetings of “waiters” in the comfort of their parents’ apartment in the center, where they seriously believe that Ukraine is bombing itself . Does his management know about this? If he doesn’t know, then what kind of scouts are they?

3. “Inviolable substance.” Perhaps our attempts to figure things out, based on indirect value judgments and logical conclusions, are too conspiratorial? In fact, the explanation floats on the surface, like untouched substance in an ice hole. The hero is simply such an unpleasant subject that no one dares to move him, so as not to get dirty. So it doesn’t drown under any conditions and circumstances...

A separate topic is how an intelligence officer of the SVRU, whose task is to serve as much as possible for the benefit of the Motherland and not to appear in scandals, especially criminal investigations already involving the Police, the Prosecutor's Office, the State Bureau of Investigation, the Office of the President and the Verkhovna Rada, is not punished, but, on the contrary, is encouraged: he receives bonuses and safe houses, despite the fact that he was “smeared”. Or maybe this is an indicator of competence for the leadership of the SVRU?

But all these spy whims are paid for by our people! Own taxes. And precisely at a time when our people are volunteering, fighting, and trying to keep the country afloat at their own expense, the authorities with “xivs” are successfully “mastering” the budget and at the same time are not responsible for anything. It is very convenient to write everything off as a state secret. Impunity, in turn, gives rise to a monster of permissiveness, when intelligence officers (or persons close to the structures) consider themselves “sacred animals”, to whom even law enforcement officers look in the mouth and happily hand over material evidence in a criminal case in order to “wash up” this case. The security forces have become so relaxed in the rear that they are even wiping themselves with a court decision like toilet paper! They are gods - others are servants! And it is easier to fight with the weak than with a real enemy.

If we remain silent about this, then in what country will we wake up tomorrow?


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