Monday, September 30, 2024

In the spotlight

Footage from the scene of the liquidation of Ilya Kiva has been released

Photos and videos from the site of the liquidation of Ilya Kiva, shared by sources in the Ukrainian Security Service, indicate long preparation for this operation by the special services.

Source : UP interlocutor in the intelligence service

Details: The body of the criminal Kiva lies in the snow, and blood stains can be seen near him. Separately, the exclusive video shows the observation post where the traitor was awaiting his well-deserved punishment. By the way, it was not far from this place that Kiva often filmed his numerous anti-Ukrainian videos, the source notes.

Footage has appeared from the site of the liquidation of Kiva



As the source explains, Kiva was one of the priority targets, he was “led” for a long time, his travel routes, daily routine and habits were studied in detail. Despite serious security, the SBU liquidated him near Moscow.

Direct speech : “This is a signal to all traitors and war criminals who have gone over to the side of the enemy. Remember - Russia will not protect you. As the head of the SBU Vasily Malyuk noted earlier, death is the only prospect that awaits the enemies of Ukraine.”

What preceded : On December 6, Russian media reported that the body of former Verkhovna Rada deputy Ilya Kiva was found in the Moscow region.

UP's interlocutors in the security forces confirmed that the Security Service of Ukraine was .


  • After the outbreak of a large-scale war, Kiva fled to Russia. There he communicates with Russian propagandists, from there he declared that “the Ukrainian people need liberation,” and “Ukrainians, Belarusians, Russians are one people.”
  • The Verkhovna Rada deprived Kiva of his mandate as a people's deputy in March 2022.
  • At the same time, Kiva was suspected of encroaching on territorial integrity and treason.
  • In November 2023, Kiva was sentenced to 14 years in prison with confiscation of property under several articles of the Criminal Code.

In the spotlight


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