Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

A connection was discovered between the family of People's Deputy Allahverdieva-Kormyshkina and the traitor Saldo through joint parties and business assets

Irina Allahverdieva’s husband, a member of the Servant of the People and businessman Kormyshkin, has not only business, but also friendly relations with Kherson collaborator Saldo.

Beautiful, rich and seemingly happy in her new marriage. People's Deputy from the pro-government Servant of the People party Irina Allahverdieva is known for her stylish looks in the parliamentary hall and for her charitable activities. But her husband, businessman Yuri Kormyshkin, is a non-public person, but attracted the attention of reporters due to his business and friendly ties with the former mayor of Kherson, and now the Gauleiter of the occupied part of the region, Vladimir Saldo .

What are the Allahverdiev-Kormyshkin ? Kherson collaborator Vladimir Saldo have in common ?

The name of the chosen one of People's Deputy Irina Allahverdieva, Yuri Kormyshkin, is little known to the general public, despite the fact that he is one of the richest businessmen in the south of Ukraine and was even elected as a deputy of the Nikolaev regional council. But in the spring of this year, the media published news about the marriage of a Verkhovna Rada deputy from the ruling party and an entrepreneur.

Meanwhile, Kormyshkin himself came to the attention of StopCor before: his name appeared in a journalistic investigation related to the raider actions of the ex-mayor of Kherson Vladimir Saldo.

What is Vladimir Saldo famous for?

Saldo, whom the Russians appointed as the “governor” of the occupied part of the Kherson region, also repeatedly came into the focus of media and law enforcement attention even before the start of the full-scale invasion. According to the victims, he carried out raider takeovers of enterprises such as Khersonstroy, Kherson Flowers and Bans, and was also involved in cases of kidnapping and contract killing. And after the Russians captured the regional center, he headed the so-called “VGA” and was personally present in the Kremlin at a meeting with Putin on the occasion of the “annexation of new regions.”

“We can assume that the relationship between the Nikolaev businessman and the Kherson ex-mayor was somewhat closer than just between fellow party members. Back in 2021, Kormyshkin, Saldo and Allahverdieva “showed up” at one party - the opening of a nightclub in the center of Nikolaev, which the businessman allegedly “bought” from his then-wife. Information about the social event was published by the local publication NikLife, but now the article has strangely disappeared from the site, as well as photographic evidence ,” notes Artem Rebrov.

However, StopCor managed to restore the “missing” report.

Judging by the exclusive photographs that fell into the hands of our editors, during the party Kormyshkin and Saldo “lit up” on the dance floor together, took pictures, hugged and demonstrated close friendships. And Allahverdieva spent the evening at the same table with her current husband.

Saldo and Allahverdiyeva “lit up” on the dance floor
Irina Allahverdieva spent the evening at the same table with Kormyshkin

Another thread that connects the spouses with the Kherson traitor is business.

According to current information as of August 2023 from the State Register of Rights to Real Estate and the Register of Ownership Rights to Real Estate, the State Register of Mortgages, the Unified Register of Prohibitions on the Alienation of Real Estate Objects regarding a real estate property, Yuriy Kormyshkin owns 90% of the recreation center in the Zhelezny Port of the Kherson region . This resort village is under the control of Russian invaders and the occupying “power” of the region.

Information from the State Register of Rights

“In connection with all of the above, a serious question arises: is not Saldo’s close comrade and business partner a “sent Cossack”? And can a person connected by business and friendly relations with a pro-Putin collaborator be in the close circle of parliamentarians while there is a war with the aggressor in Ukraine? “- emphasizes the journalist.

How do the heroes of our publication and the competent authorities comment on this story?

The editors of “StopCor” tried to contact Irina Allahverdieva-Kormyshkina, but she ignored all calls, as well as messages on the official page on the social network Facebook. Her husband, Yuri Kormyshkin, also left the question from the editor unanswered.

At the same time, the other day Irina’s name again appeared on the front pages of the media thanks to her charitable activities: a member of the Servant of the People decided to donate her entire deputy salary to good deeds - the Synergy of Mykolaiv Region Foundation reported this.

People's Deputy Kormyshkina donated her deputy salary to charity

StopKor sent the appropriate appeals to the relevant competent structures in the hope that Mr. Kormyshkin’s Kherson connections will nevertheless become the subject of close attention.

Let us remind you that StopKor drew attention to the deputy’s wedding , since the name of the Nikolaev millionaire Kormyshkin was already known to our journalists because of the stolen Baldo of the boarding house “Priboy” in the Kherson region. In 2020, at the height of the legal battle over the property of PJSC Khersonstroy, which was squeezed out by Baldo (which includes the boarding house “Priboy”), 90% of the recreation center was transferred to the businessman’s first wife.

Source Stopkor

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