Former deputy of the Odessa City Council and developer Ruslan Tarpan, who is wanted by NABU, was notified in absentia of suspicion of aiding the aggressor state (Part 1 of Article 111-2 of the Criminal Code). The regional prosecutor's office reports this.
According to the investigation, the ex-deputy collaborated with representatives of the Russian Federal Security Service. He donated a collection of rare cars for display at the exhibition “Museum and Exhibition Technical Center of the Automobile and Motorcycle Club of the Federal Security Service of the Russian Federation” in Moscow.
Russian intelligence services used cars in propaganda activities by forming a cult of the greatness of Russia, a positive attitude of citizens towards the authorities and security forces, and motivating young people to perform military service under a contract.
The donated collection included eight collector cars: Packard (1936); ZIS 110 B (1947); ZIS 115 (1953); ZIL 111, ZIL 111 G, ZIL 111 D (1966); ZIL 41051 (1985); ZIL 41041 (1998).
For active cooperation with the aggressor country, the “Odessa deputy” systematically received approving reviews from representatives of the enemy’s political elite, and was also awarded a certificate from the General of the Federal Protective Service of the Russian Federation