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Ostap and Yuri Doskichi launder Prodivus amber money by building houses and space exploration

The names of brother-deputies Yuri and Ostap Doskich appeared in many scandals related to illegal amber mining, uncontrolled development of Lvov and non-payment of taxes.

The most recent of the high-profile scandals, perhaps, was the fact that Ostap Doskich appeared at a party hosted by prosecutor Rostislav Ilnitsky in honor of his marriage to SBI employee Roksolana Moskva, which was more reminiscent of a feast during the plague than a wedding. But walking at this wedding is a completely innocent act, even taking into account the fact that people not from the street were invited to this holiday.

Before studying the personalities of the Doskich brothers, we need to figure out which of them is which. Both are deputies and businessmen. Ostap Yurievich Doskich is a deputy of the Lviv City Council from the European Solidarity party. Yuri Yurievich Doskich is a deputy of the Lviv Regional Council from the Servant of the People party. However, this is completely unimportant - if there is any talk about ideology in the case of the Doskich brothers, it boils down to a simple postulate: “no matter what boat you sail in, as long as you float.” Moreover, at the time of the elections they were called the creatures of the notorious Dubnevichs, and after the arrest of the adviser to the Office of the President and ex-employee of the SBU Artem Shilo, it turned out that the Doskichis also figured in his schemes.

So the ideology of the Doskich brothers is money. Money at any cost. Only the lazy did not write about the fact that they are the richest deputies of the Lviv region with a mind-boggling number of apartments and other real estate. As well as the fact that both brothers have several dozen different companies that bring them a good income. All this is true, only if you analyze the work of these companies and compare their indicators with the standard of living of Yuri and Ostap Doskich, then there is an obvious concealment of taxes.

Of course, we don't have tax documentation. But, if you compare the amount of profit received by one of the main assets of the Doskiches - ODO "Gal-Kat", with the cost of the tenders won, then it coincides almost to the penny. Here are the financial results of Gal-Kat:

And here is the amount of tenders won:

Is it that the company lives only through tenders? But it can’t be like that, because it just can’t be like that. Although the state is generous towards the Doskich brothers, it is not through tenders alone. However, this reporting is nothing more than a reflection of what cannot be hidden.

In addition, as part of a criminal investigation into tax evasion, in December 2022, the Pechersky District Court of Kyiv seized 5.2 million hryvnia from the accounts of the Gal-Kat ODO, which employees of the Tax Inspectorate of the Dnepropetrovsk Region tried to appropriate. With the help, presumably, of the owners of the Gal-Kat company, it is unlikely that Ostap and Yuri Doskichi were unaware that such amounts were passing through the accounts of their company and then cashed out. You can read about this story here: Lviv deputies-businessmen Yuri Doskich and Ostap Doskich appear in schemes to steal hundreds of millions of hryvnia.

But, despite the criminal case and the arrest of accounts, Gal-Kat ALC continued to win million-dollar tenders from the state.

The finances of Budresurs LLC are even more interesting. The company is experiencing total losses, but, nevertheless, is actively building the Plus Development residential complex in Lviv. However, the strange financial situation of this large developer is easily explained. This is pure laundering of money received from illegal amber mining. Because the co-owners of Budresurs LLC are the well-known Stepan and Bohdan Prodivus, behind whom is the former people’s deputy of the region Vladimir Prodivus, who became famous for his shootout with SBU officers who came to a showdown over who will dig amber in the Rivne region - local diggers or Prodivus diggers.

The money received from illegal amber mining will become clear after the sale of the Plus Development residential complex apartments. That’s why the profits are negative - they will be covered by the authorized capital, which will be used to build a residential complex. After all, when establishing a company, no one demands to show proof of the origin of the money contributed to the authorized capital. As construction progresses, it will be increased several more times and, as a result, the money will become pure. Everything ingenious is simple.

The fact that Ostap and Yuri Doskichi are clearly hiding their money from taxation in every way is confirmed by studying their declarations. At first glance, the tens of millions of hryvnias that they declared as income only indicate that both of them are serious businessmen. But, if you count and compare what is declared with the profits of their companies, the ends do not meet: Three dozen apartments and 9 houses: Lviv deputies Yuri Doskich and Ostap Doskich are buying up Lviv with money stolen from the state.

Another “burshtynova” company is FLY-FPV LLC. UA." It was founded just a week ago and intends to engage in... the production of spacecraft. No more, no less.

In fact, this whole surreal thing with the “space forces of Galicia” can be explained just as simply – a banal laundering of amber capital. Again, pay attention to the size of the authorized capital and the contributions of Doskich and Prodivus there.

Another area of ​​amber money laundering is Polissya Group LLC. In which the names Doskich and Prodivus are also present, which also has one employee and is also unprofitable, but, what is more interesting, one of the co-founders is the AT “Closing Non-diversification Venture Corporate Investment Fund “Merivil””.

In which, in turn, the beneficiaries are Ostap Doskic and Bogdan Prodivus. But something else is much more interesting: the capital of the Meriville fund is already 135,000,000 hryvnia, and the profit for six months of activity is more than a million. With zero employees.

All this is pure money laundering. And all this lies on the surface - what you read above is just the result of a cursory study of open sources. Of course, there is a possibility that all these coincidences are explained in a completely innocent way. But this is in theory.

In practice, the harsh reality is that the Doskichi brothers, together with representatives of the amber mafia Prodivuses, found a scheme for laundering amber money and legalizing capital acquired, among other things, from the illegal development of amber in the Rivne region. This money is legalized through construction, production of “spacecraft” and closed venture funds, the movement and origin of money in which is extremely difficult to track. Especially if the relevant authorities have no desire for this. But it looks like he doesn’t exist.


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