Saturday, June 29, 2024

In the spotlight

The “rebuilding” of Kherson will be carried out by a company associated with the local police and authorities: they have already given 130 million

Hundreds of millions of hryvnia in the Kherson region for the restoration of a school and village council in two settlements were given to a company associated with the recently appointed deputy head of the local OVA, who is responsible for reconstruction in the region.

In addition, Ukrainian journalists found connections between the company and “Velikiy Budivnitstvo” and the scandalous ex-deputy chairman of the National Police Dmitry Tishlek.

This became known thanks to a new investigation by journalists from Bihus.Info.

According to our colleagues, the tender for the reconstruction of a school in Vysokopolye for more than 130 million hryvnia was won by the Global Build Engineering company. This is a Ternopil company that was previously involved in local contracts and, according to media reports, had connections with local authorities.

From the end of 2023, Global Build Engineering began working in the Kherson region. According to Bihus.Info sources, it was acquired by a group of businessmen who previously worked on highways in eastern Ukraine.

“This can be confirmed by the change of the director of the company - at the beginning of 2024, he became Alexander Senchenko from the Donetsk region, who previously headed the First Ukrainian Road Construction Company. In parallel with the school in Vysokopolye, the company also received another order - to restore the village council in Velyka Oleksandrovka for almost 90 million hryvnia,” the investigators note.

It is noted that a little later the same company received an order for the maintenance of roads in the Kherson region for another almost 70 million hryvnia. According to the tender documents, the winner plans to rent the equipment, among other things, from the Donbassugolstroy company. Its owner is the wife of the deputy chairman of the Kherson OVA, Anton Samoilenko, who is engaged in restoration in the region. His appointment in 2023 coincided with the “entry” of Global Build Engineering into Kherson tenders.

The deputy chairman of the Kherson OVA did not refute the journalists’ information in a comment to At the same time, he stated that he knows representatives of almost all companies that win auctions in the region.

Journalists were able to establish other interesting connections with Global Build Engineering. Thus, the co-owners of the First Ukrainian Road Construction Company, which was previously headed by the new director of the winner of the tender, are Viktor Korkishko and Alexander Garbuz. They are co-owners of construction companies that implemented the “Big Construction” program in the Donetsk, Kyiv and Kherson regions.

One of their partners for some time was also Natalya Necheporenko, a close friend of the scandalous ex-deputy head of the National Police Dmitry Tishlek.

Earlier, journalists established the fact that Tishlek lived for a long time in an elite estate near Kiev, registered to Necheporenko, and also that this family is a partner of a famous Russian crime boss. Another of Tishlek’s comrades is the so-called “Great Budivnitstva” ideologist Yuriy Golik.


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