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“Coup” in the city council and the acquisition of community lands: what is known about the case of deputy Prishedko from the Dnepropetrovsk region

Yuriy Prishedko, a defendant in criminal cases, a land owner and a deputy of the city council in Podgorodny, accused of aiding a “coup” in the city council, seizing community lands, and also, according to mayor Andrei Gorba, financing the Russian church.

A deputy of the Podgorodnensky City Council, a landowner and local “king” with sympathies for the Russian language, Yuri Prishedko has repeatedly appeared in a number of criminal cases and has a rather dubious reputation, but this does not prevent him from seizing power in the community of the front-line region and expanding his “land bank”. The police are investigating his case - what is already known?

An influential deputy, landowner and “bandit from the 90s”? This is exactly the impression made by deputy from the Dnepropetrovsk region Yuriy Prishedko , who, despite his complex and scandalous reputation, continues to seize the community’s lands even during the war. Which is not surprising, given his likely pro-Russian position.

After the scandalous story in the Podgorodensky City Council, where Mr. Prishedko carried out a kind of “ coup” , probably by bribing or intimidating deputies, in order to remove the city head Andrei Gorb .

In September, a session of the City Council was held, at which, instead of considering issues on the agenda, Mr. Gorb was removed  : 19 deputies voted for the removal of the chairman. And although the initiator was the deputy from the “Servant of the People” Roman Voron , StopCora journalist Olga Levitskaya , who was at the scene of the event, reported:

“The deputies disrupted the agenda and during the break announced by the head, Deputy Voron declared himself presiding, contrary to all norms of the law, and began voting by deputies to remove the current mayor and secretary. Deputies expressed no confidence in Andrei Gorb, the current mayor, by secret ballot,” she said.

Then we reported that representatives of the community connect  Voron with another deputy of the Podgorodnoye City Council - Yuriy Prishedko , who is allegedly interested in eliminating the chairman for the sake of “legitimizing solar stations and land acquisition.”

And Mr. Gorb  stated that it was Prishedko who , who “realized that he was not subject to his pressure and went a different way ” and added that he was sure that the majority of deputies would not succumb to his influence and money and would be honest.

“I will tell you who the initiator of this process is. It all started in March of this year, with a conflict with deputy Prishedko. By the way, on the basis of the Ukrainian language, among other things. You've all seen the video of his rudeness. The reason for the conflict is that I am an independent person and have not sold myself to this person. It is also worth knowing that Prishedko did not pay for land in our community. He owed more than a million hryvnia and for some reason did not pay them. This is a shame for the deputy,” he wrote on Facebook.

Accordingly, the question arises: who is Yuri Prishedko?

According to official sources , Mr. Prishedko is an agrarian and deputy of the Podgorodnaya Council in the Dnepropetrovsk region. The man also ran for the regional council in 2020, but failed to make it. The platform says that Yuriy Prishedko is a non-party member, although he is associated with Vilkul’s Ukrainian Perspective bloc.

Prishedko is also the owner of the agro-industrial complex LLC APK Spassky, whose authorized capital is one and a half million hryvnia. The company is engaged in the cultivation of grain crops (except rice), legumes and oilseeds, as well as the wholesale trade of grain, unprocessed tobacco, seeds and animal feed.

In addition to the above information, a number of criminal proceedings in which the deputy appears can be found in open sources. In particular:

  1. N° 12013040350001887 – March 2013 (arson);
  2. N° 12013040350003454 – May 2013 (arson);
  3. No. 12013040350007214 – 2013 (damage to the tractor);
  4. No. 12015040350001120 – July 2015 (crop destruction);
  5. No. 12020040350000746 – dated May 15, 2020 (on the grounds of criminal offenses provided for in Article 15 Part 3, 190 Part 4, 194 Part 2, 296 Part 4, 364 Part 2 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

Most of them relate to illegal acquisition of land, forgery of documents, and intimidation of farmers. The last - still not closed case - concerns the possible abuse of official position by officials of the Spassky and Nikolaevsky village councils of the Novomoskovsky district when issuing documents on ownership of real estate and the subsequent attempt to take possession of land plots by fraudulent means.

He also “ran” after representatives of the State Geodastre with a weapon - all this appears in criminal proceedings.

No less interesting is that Mr. Prishedko installed solar panels on agricultural land. This was reported by the former head of the Podgorodnensky City Council Andrei Gorb on Facebook.

“Prishedko is a person with a criminal type of thinking who decided to “deceive” everyone. He planned to install a huge number of solar panels, under the guise of 30 kW home power plants. To do this, he decided to simulate the construction and commissioning of residential buildings. Sheds made of corrugated sheets, which are pressed against the panels, according to the deputy, are full-fledged residential buildings. But his scheme broke down because of my integrity. I don't want to break the law. Neither for money, nor for threats ,” - Andrey Gorb.

Let us note that the Dnepropetrovsk region is actually a front-line region, which before the war, and perhaps even now, is leader in agricultural production. Therefore, according to StopCor correspondent Alexander Omelchenko, all these stories with possible land seizures are under special attention.

That is why StopKor made appropriate requests to law enforcement agencies regarding the above criminal cases.

According to information provided by the prosecutor's office, a number of proceedings in which Prishedko appeared were closed, allegedly due to the lack of corpus delicti. But, for example, in the case of forgery of documents for the acquisition of land, the pre-trial investigation continues.

According to local residents, it also became known that Prishedko behaves like a typical “bandit from the 90s”: he is rude to journalists and local activists, he demonstratively communicates in Russian at sessions, his ombudsman fined him for this. Andrei Gorb also spoke about this several times

“I already remembered our deputy Prishedko in the context of non-payment of taxes to the community budget. But he is not only a debtor, but also a quilted jacket. Before the full-scale invasion, he was rooting for Kadyrov and Putin, the video shows his reaction when I reminded him of this, his actual prison slang shows what this man essentially is ,” wrote .

After the scandalous story of his “removal” from the post of mayor, Gorb only added to the story - moreover, in his words. Most residents of the community know about this and consider him a “waiter.”

“Prishedko is a pro-Russian person who defends the Russian church, all deputies know about this and saw how this man behaved before the big war. Therefore, we must not allow, in memory of our fallen heroes, a pro-Russian deputy to lead our community , wrote on Facebook in September, a month after the first message.

It is also interesting that in 2022, a certain Ignatenko, whom local media call Prishedko’s unofficial “bodyguard,” was involved in the murder of a Ukrainian Armed Forces military officer. Moreover, the article also mentions his boss, who, like his subordinate, has “gangster habits”: in 2007, he “raided” a local farmer’s field and began beating him.

“Surrounded by at least twenty pretty strong fellows, stood the director of the local LLC APK Spasskoye, Yuri Prishedko, and gave them some kind of command. -What are you thinking? – the alarmed Gaivoronsky asked him. Instead of an answer, I heard selective abuse. And the advice is to quickly run away from here while your legs are wearing out... having flown like a whirlwind onto the farmer, Prishedko tore the mobile phone out of his hands, threw it to the ground and crushed it with his feet and trampled it underfoot. And without stopping in some kind of crazy ecstasy, he rushed at Anatoly Ivanovich with his fists. An almost wild fight began ,” the publication writes

What is the position of Yuri Prishedko himself?

justifies his actions with “laws”: in particular, he justifies the installation of solar panels on agricultural land with the “development of renewable energy” and again criticizes the mayor.

“Thus, the development of renewable energy sources, in particular the development of new solar (including home) power plants, not only corresponds to the strategic course of our state and contributes to further European integration, but is also of great importance for stabilizing the unified energy system of Ukraine in the context of enemy attacks on critical infrastructure facilities “,” wrote in September of this year.

Considering the scandalous stories, criminal proceedings and controversial policies of Yuriy Prishedko , we will continue to carefully monitor the progress of the investigation of the criminal case in which the deputy appears. To be continued.

As reported , the preventive measure against Robert Gorvat, a majoritarian MP representing the parliamentary group “Doverie” and suspected of taking over state land, was determined in the form of a mandatory bail in the amount of 26.840 million hryvnia.


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