Saturday, June 29, 2024

In the spotlight

Why doesn’t BEB see the counterfeit production of Marlboro cigarettes in Ternopil?

The Bureau of Economic Security stupidly does not notice how the shadow tobacco factory continues to actively operate in Ternopil.

BEB persistently does not reflect on this former scandalous factory from Zheltye Vody, which has already been “closed” several times.

Now in Ternopil, they are quietly making counterfeit cigarettes with false excise stamps - Marlboro, LM and other brands.

The situation is very bad for fighters against business crimes - it seems that one of the officials went into the “share” of the Ternopil factory and “does not see” how underground workers are riveting tens of thousands of packs of illegal Marlboro and LM left and right. They say that the price of the remuneration, which the Bebovites do not see, is $1 million per month.

Source Bastion TV

In the spotlight


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