Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Why are Zelensky’s 26 thousand drones not visible at the front?

Supreme Commander-in-Chief Zelensky said that 26 thousand drones are stored in warehouses.

But even after the press conference, these thousands of drones did not appear in the troops. Either President Zelensky lied, or he has no control over the situation and the results of his statements.

If the president’s office had accredited me to a press conference, I would have forced President Zelensky to answer why he is not reporting on the supply of drones to troops in the Avdiivka area. The state transferred several dozen mostly Autels to all brigades. Where's Maviki? Where is fpv? Where are all these thousands, on what part of the front? Because fundraising for volunteer drones continues everywhere.

For many years, the 95th quarter “dampened” Klitschko in his shows, ridiculing his slow-wittedness and limited vocabulary.

But when I wrote about the critical situation in Avdievka, the next day Klitschko sent 100 fpv drones from his personal funds to the 47th brigade, and today another 100 fpv drones from Klitschko were transferred to the company commander of the 53rd brigade, Yuri Panchuk. Plus, the city of Kyiv allocated an additional 600 million to the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the purchase of drones. This is not much, of course, but it is important help at a critical moment.

But where are the drones from Zelensky and the Ministry of Defense at this moment? Where are the drones from the 95th block and Koshevoy? Where are the drones from Ermak and Tatarov?

In fact, the 95th quarter, after coming to power, in practice turned out to be much more slow-witted and greedy than the characters they ridiculed.

Until at least part of the 26 thousand drones that allegedly lie in warehouses, according to Zelensky, end up in the 110,47,53,59,109 brigades and the 52nd separate rifle battalion near Avdiivka, I will remind you daily of the irresponsibility of the authorities. Immediately transfer Maviki and fpv from the state to the Avdeevka area.

And by the way, judging by the reports of Panamanian offshore companies and many real estate properties abroad, the 95th quarter has no less money than Klitschko, they could also donate a couple of hundred drones from personal funds, for you it’s pennies, but for someone it’s life.

As soon as drones from the state begin to arrive in the Avdeevka area, I will immediately write and thank the Supreme Commander-in-Chief, everything will be objective.


In the spotlight


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