Categories: TOP 2 Corruption

The contractor responsible for the renovation of school shelters in Kyiv will be punished for theft of 500 thousand hryvnia

A violator could face up to eight years in prison, as well as a possible ban on certain activities for up to three years.

A contractor accused of embezzling funds to repair shelters will be tried in the capital. Due to such actions, the capital’s budget caused damage of 500 thousand hryvnia.

This was reported by the Kyiv City Prosecutor's Office.

The Goloseevsk District Prosecutor's Office of the city of Kiev sent to court an indictment against the head of the contracting organization on charges of embezzlement of budget funds for the overhaul of shelters and official forgery (Part 4 of Article 191, Part 2 of Article 366 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

In July 2022, officials of the Goloseevsky district state administration ensured that a shell company won a tender to carry out major repairs to school protective shelters. Upon completion of the work, the contractor overestimated the cost of repair work by more than 500 thousand hryvnia.

As noted in the investigation materials, in July last year, employees of the district state administration of the Goloseevsky district of the capital, in order to seize budget funds, ensured that the company controlled by them won the tender for the overhaul of simple shelters and protective structures in one of the schools in the district.

After the work was completed, the contractor added more than 500 thousand hryvnia to the cost of repair work, which caused damage to the city budget.

For this, the offender faces up to eight years in prison, as well as a ban on holding certain positions or engaging in certain activities for up to three years.


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