Categories: Incidents

Military vehicles were set on fire: six FSB henchmen were detained in Odessa

The Security Service, together with the National Police, neutralized a group of young people in Odessa who, on orders from the FSB, committed a series of arson attacks on Defense Forces vehicles.

The press service of the SBU reports this.

Over the course of two weeks, the attackers tried to destroy more than 15 official SUVs.

As a result of the special operation, all members of the enemy cell were detained almost simultaneously in different parts of the city.

They turned out to be six Odessa residents aged 18 to 24 years, working as couriers for a popular food delivery service.

They came to the attention of the FSB as active users of telegram channels in search of easy money, where they left their “resumes.”

In one of these chats, a representative of the Russian special service responded to the thugs and offered money in exchange for destroying the cars of Ukrainian soldiers.

The defendants “closed themselves” to one curator from the FSB, and during the commission of the crime they acted mainly in pairs. For example, one set fire, the other filmed it on video.

Working under the guise of courier delivery, the defendants drove around the city on their own scooters, where they established parking addresses for Defense Force vehicles.

They then sent photos of potential targets to their Russian handler for “approval.”

After the “command” from the FSB, the thugs arrived at night at the parking spaces of military vehicles, doused them with a flammable mixture and set them on fire.


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