Saturday, June 29, 2024

In the spotlight

Border guards detained a gang of amber diggers in Polesie

For the first time since February 24, 2022, criminals have taken up the old case again. The thirst for profit is not stopped even by the fear of war or being under occupation.

The relevant footage from the place of detention of the notorious “amber businessmen” was released by the State Border Service of Ukraine. Smart businessmen were engaged in illegal mining in the forests of the front-line Rivne region.

It is noted that the violators were found near the state border with Muscovite-occupied Belarus; that is, where the potential line of defense against a possible attack from the North should lie. A report has been sent to the National Police regarding this fact and a pre-trial investigation has been launched.

“In the Rivne region, not far from the state border, border guards discovered a group of people who were engaged in illegal mining of “sun stone”. It was carried out by three men hydromechanically, using a motor pump. Amber stones and corresponding accessories for mining were found and seized in the adjacent area,” the press service of the State Border Guard Service commented on the situation.

As expected, the “Last Bastion” media agency reminds readers that 4 years ago Zee power began actively selling off state-owned enterprises during the war. Someone got their hands on “Yantar Ukrayiny”.

Source Bastion TV

In the spotlight


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