Categories: TOP 2 News

After eliminating his leader Kiva, Konstantin Bedovoy (Kostya Kalosha) may become the next traitor

After a successful special operation of the Security Service of Ukraine, during which Ilya Kiva was eliminated, the traitors were seized with panic.

As we learned, what is most panicking is his right hand Konstantin Bedovoy, a criminal six known by the nickname “Kostya Kalosha”. Kiva was his long-term curator. He is afraid that after everything he has done, he will become a new target on the SBU hit list. The location of the fugitive collaborator is indeed known - he is hiding in Israel. His fears may well become reality in the near future.

Kostya Kalosha has always sympathized with Russia. He conflicted with patriotic forces, mercilessly criticized each new generation of Ukrainian authorities and openly played along with Russian propaganda, for which he ended up in the “Peacemaker” base.

In 2022, under the leadership of the Russian special services and Ilya Kiva, who by that time had already fled to Moscow, Kalosha was preparing gangs of militants who were supposed to organize a series of sabotage in Kiev and weaken the capital before the invasion of the regular Russian army. For his work, Kostya Kalosha hoped to receive from the Russians the position of occupation commandant of the village of Belogorodka near Kiev, where he lived for a long time.

In November 2022, the media published correspondence between Galosha and Kiva at the beginning of a full-scale invasion. In it, Kalosha assures Kiva that his native Belogorodka in the Kyiv region is ready to greet the invaders: “Khokhols are fucked up” and “guys and guns are ready.”

When it became clear that the occupying army would be driven out of the Kyiv region, Kalosha, afraid of responsibility, was able to flee the country to Bulgaria, according to other sources, to Israel. As those who crossed paths with him in the 1990s say, Kostya Kalosha was always distinguished by cowardice and ran away at the first opportunity.

At the same time, the terrorist henchman still has business and real estate in Ukraine. In particular, the collaborator owns a house in Belogorodka (Chernobylskaya St., 8), several premises in Kyiv at Kazimir Malevich Street, 86-N and on the street. Antonov, 4. On Antonov, in the premises of a dentistry, there is a drug laboratory controlled by Galosha.

Let us recall that on December 6, 2023, Russian media reported that the bloody body of Ilya Kiva was found on the territory of the Velich Country Club hotel in the village of Suponevo. The body was discovered at approximately 15:00. Subsequently, a number of Ukrainian media, citing sources in law enforcement agencies, reported that the traitor had been shot dead. This is a special operation of the SBU.


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