Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Increasing protective measures: Zelensky outlined the basic principles of strengthening Ukraine’s defense

In order to strengthen the positions of the Ukrainian Armed Forces on the front line, President Vladimir Zelensky held two important meetings with the military in Zaporozhye. It was decided to speed up the process of building fortifications in key sectors of the front.

announced this in his Telegram channel. Generals Alexander Tarnavsky, Eduard Moskalev, Sergei Litvinov and others who were responsible for defense in the Zaporozhye direction reported to him about the situation at the front.

Zelensky named the main areas where it is necessary to strengthen and speed up defense. First of all, we are talking about Avdeevsky, Maryinsky and other directions in the Donetsk region. In the Kharkov region, increased attention must be paid to the Kupyansk direction, as well as the Kupyansk-Liman defense line.

“The entire Kharkov region and Sumy region, and Chernihiv region, and Kiev and Rivne regions, Volyn. Also south – Kherson region. There were reports from the regional authorities, all relevant military leaders, Defense Minister Umerov, General Pavlyuk. We discussed attracting resources, motivation, in particular, for private businesses in this work, and financing. The priority is obvious. I am grateful to everyone who works in this kind of construction, in the production of materials ,” the president added.

Vladimir Zelensky also discussed pressing needs with the military in order to work with partners to meet them. The head of state ordered that priority attention be given to the construction of shelters in schools, especially in the Zaporozhye region. This will allow children to learn in a mixed mode - both offline and online.

Source Telegraph

In the spotlight


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