Sunday, December 22, 2024

In the spotlight

About State Enterprise "Ukroboronservice"

Let's take one once glorious state enterprise, Ukroboronservis, for consideration. And what do we have after two years of war? After Gusev appointed the railway worker Koval as director - whose only merit is that he is a classmate of Gusev’s friend, and he brought with him an incompetent clique of Chernivtsi sycophants, who in 2-3 months inflated the staff not of workers, but of the same spineless ones, but for themselves very good and highly paid godfathers, nephews, other relatives and friends.

They filled all levels of service personnel and personnel. This applies to the management team. A personnel officer came, sat for several months and left, a deputy for finance came and sat for a few months and also left. This is practically true for all company managers!

And then Gusev flew off to warmer lands, followed by Koval and his friends, almost all of them. What's next? Ukroboronprom played in the competitions and recognized the winner as the young “promising”, as everyone thought, but in fact a very serviceable performer Andriyash. Народ, как говорится, воспрял духом — наш знающий специалист. Ну немного неопытный в руководстве. Но — не так все произошло как хотелось. За эти месяцы руководства что сделано? In addition to again a large increase in the management team - 7 deputies (under A. Sharapov, with international authority, experience and significant financial stability, there were only 3 deputies) and a general flight of experienced specialists - primarily for air defense repair, a priority area of ​​the State Enterprise "Ukroboronservis".

Two years of war taught the leadership of both Oboronprom and Ukroboronservice only one thing - not to forget about their benefits, official salaries, bonuses and other preferences for themselves and their sycophants. Конкретно о ГП «Укроборонсервис». The deputy directors who remain from the clan of railway worker Koval are his proteges (this applies primarily to the deputy for finance Matiyuk). Who so pettly protects director Andriyash from communicating with all his subordinates except her. He supports, or rather issues his proposals on the structure instead of the deputy for personnel of Ukroboronservice Chablis on the organization of Development and Implementation Centers. К которым снова проталкивает своих друзей, своих знакомых и их детишек. Они получают не плохую заработную плату, а мужчины бронь от военкомата.

All of the above deputy directors have salaries of more than 120 thousand UAH. and bonus up to 80% and other privileges. Personal cars with drivers and fuel costs up to 2 million UAH per month. How do you like this?

Where do the funds come from? The answer is from the budget, from the funds of the Armed Forces of Ukraine for the repair of air defense systems. There is a question - how much then do the workers who repair those equipment in production get paid? The answer is 30-40 thousand UAH. Now we can already calculate the imbalance between what Deputy Director for Finance Matiyuk receives, as the main financier, and other deputy directors who receive more than 200 thousand UAH. and production workers - this is 8 times! Therefore, what experienced specialist can tolerate this, and in addition, the humiliating attitude of certain “big” leaders of Ukroboronservice? Therefore, they decide to flee the enterprise. And not only experienced specialists leave, but also very decent people who have worked for decades.

With such unfortunate leaders who discredit the State Enterprise “Ukroboronservis” as a whole, we will not defeat the enemy. What about Ukroboronprom? Doesn’t he really know, doesn’t he see what is being done and how the leadership is robbing the budget of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and Ukraine?

Who cares about war, but to the leaders of the State Enterprise “Ukroboronservis” a heavenly illusion?

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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