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They sell to Ukrainians and flirt with Russia: SOCAR and Gazprom have expanded cooperation

The Azerbaijani oil company SOCAR and the Russian Gazprom, unexpectedly for all Ukrainians, decided to strengthen their cooperation.

This happened during Putin's visit to Azerbaijan, where they agreed on joint projects, including the important North-South project and the planned signing of a scientific and technical agreement in September 2024.

SOCAR is a large oil and gas company in Azerbaijan, which began its work after the collapse of the USSR. Today it owns a network of gas stations in several countries, including Ukraine, where it has been actively developing its activities since 2008.

As for Ukraine, the situation here is interesting: Naftogaz is going to terminate all relations with Gazprom and is considering the possibility of cooperation with SOCAR for gas supplies.

Although Ukraine does not have a common border with Azerbaijan, gas will still flow through Russia. It is important that Ukraine has firmly decided not to cooperate with Gazprom anymore, even in war conditions.

Currently, there are no negotiations on extending transit with Gazprom. On the contrary, cooperation with SOCAR could be an excellent alternative, since Azerbaijan is a large gas producer and seeks to enter the European market.

Ukrainians were dissatisfied with the new partnership and are actively spreading words online that they are no longer going to refuel at SOCAR gas stations.


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