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Continues to beg on his knees - the scandalous supplier of the Armed Forces of Ukraine Volodsky continues to lie and asks for clemency from creditors

Businessman from Zaporozhye Vladislav Volodsky “became famous” throughout the country when his fraud with the supply of food to military units became known.

Journalists published information that Volodsky failed one of the contracts, left military units without food and received a fine.

And besides, he is also a debtor; private creditors and banks are to blame for millions of sums. Video confirmation of this information has appeared online: in a recording addressed to one of the creditors, Volodsky, on his knees, promises to return the money.

After the recording was made public, Volodsky stated that he allegedly deliberately recorded this video. He continues to portray himself as a successful supplier to the Armed Forces of Ukraine and refutes all the facts voiced in the media. And Volodsky blames mythical competitors for the appearance of journalistic materials. But with such a reputation, experience of non-fulfillment of the contract and real millions in debt, the state should have doubted whether he legally won the auction. In addition, later new evidence appeared that Volodsky was a debtor and was not capable of fulfilling his obligations. This time, voice messages have leaked online in which Volodsky again addresses creditors who are to blame for the money.

In the original language:

“Well, they’ll cancel me out, they’ll put me in jail tomorrow because of all this crap, I just don’t understand the result. For my part, I try to be open with you, understanding that I am on the fork - you understand that I am on the fork at the moment. But I’m still freaking out, doing a bunch of things in order to not even save the company, not even save the reputation - fuck it, it’s my own fault. And in order to return to you the money that I owe, which I signed. And further arrange your life, learn a lesson from this. And if I’m fucked anyway, then why should I go out and hang myself? What should I do?

In his messages, Volodsky does not hide contracts from the state for the supply of provisions to the army; he needs them to repay his own debts.

“I’m working to get your money back, I don’t want to deceive anyone, I don’t want to quarrel with anyone ,” he assures his interlocutor. He also admits that the situation is very bad for him and he could lose his contract for July. Realizing that attempts to refute all information about his activities in the media have failed, Volodsky continues to crawl before his creditors and dream of a big jackpot from the next food deals for Ukrainian military personnel. Besides, it’s really him in the video that was circulated. The fact that the voice in the audio messages also belongs to Vladislav Volodsky will be confirmed by any examination.


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