Vashurkin’s products: auto chemicals marked “Made in Russia” on the Ukrainian markets

The production of auto chemical goods from the Cherkassy plant, possibly associated with the Russian beneficiary Vashurkin, became dominant in the Kyiv car markets “Perova” and “Zhulyany”.

Russian “trace” on the capital's car markets: during a raid on two capital points of sale of auto products - the Perov market and the Zhulyany auto center, Stopkorov officers discovered more than fifty stores freely selling products from the Cherkassy Auto Chemicals . This company, like several other similar ones, is part of the orbit of the Russian businessman Vashurkin, who carries out contracts for the Russian rocket corporation. Why do market owners turn a blind eye to the dubious origin of goods and thus, perhaps, indirectly sponsor enemy aggression?

to Kiev : with the onset of cold weather, the demand for winter auto chemicals traditionally increases, because the cold snap makes adjustments to the operation of cars. Last week, StopCor reporters conducted a raid on the capital’s largest car markets - “Perova” (Dneprovsky market) and the “Zhulyany” auto center (car market on the Koltsevaya) to find out what products are offered to the capital’s car owners. And they discovered an unpleasant fact: these markets were literally flooded with goods whose origin may be connected with the Russian Federation.

We are talking, in particular, about the products of the Cherkassy Autochemical Plant (ChZA), which has repeatedly come into the focus of our investigations through its historical founder - Russian citizen Mikhail Vashurkin . This entrepreneur came under sanctions because of his work for the Russian military-industrial complex, but probably retained control over the Ukrainian manufacturer of auto chemical products.

What is known about ChZA and its Russian beneficiary?

The limited liability company “Cherkasy Autochemical Plant” was registered in 2010 and positions itself as one of the domestic leaders in the production and sale of oils and technical fluids for cars and trucks. The historical owner of the company was Russian Mikhail Vashurkin, but in 2023, at the height of the war with the Russian Federation, his name strangely disappeared from the list of co-founders.

Until September last year, the Russian, who owns the Azimut company in his homeland (supplier of rocket engines for the Russian military-industrial complex), was one of the beneficiaries of the Cherkassy plant. And his relative Yulia Vashurkina was removed from the list of signatories of the ChZA only in February 2023. According to the registers, Vashurkin also owns the company UkraPol LLC in Ukraine, registered at the same address in Cherkassy as the autochemical plant.

Last year, the Cherkasy Regional Prosecutor's Office opened criminal proceedings on the fact of financing actions committed with the aim of forcibly changing, overthrowing the constitutional order or changing the state border of Ukraine. In August 2022, three Ukrainian enterprises controlled by Vashurkin were seized. But already in 2023, the investigating judge of the Pridneprovsky District Court canceled it.

Representatives of the Cherkasy Auto Chemicals Plant itself refuse to comment to journalists in any way about the company’s involvement in the sanctioned Russian. In particular, referring to the open criminal case and the secrecy of the investigation. But he emphasizes that de jure Vashurkin was removed from the list of beneficiaries.

Despite this, ChZA products are still in free circulation in Kyiv.

As journalists discovered, in the capital’s Zhulyany market, 27 stores (points) sell goods produced by ChZA, of which:

  • 6 stores sell motor oils;
  • 12 magazines – brake fluid;
  • 17 stores - coolant.

At the Perova market, 25 retail outlets sell ChZA goods, of which:

  • 6 stores – motor oils;
  • 4 magazines – brake fluid;
  • 17 stores - coolant.

In general, auto chemical products, the origin and composition of which are questionable, are sold in more than 50 retail outlets in these markets. We communicated directly with the sellers that the goods they offer may have a “Russian trace”. And in most cases they heard an answer that was shocking in the second year of the war: “ Yes, we know. But what can we do if even law enforcement doesn’t care?

It is noteworthy that during the raid, some merchants tried to remove ChZA products from the shelves and assured that they were trying not to sell these goods, since their quality caused complaints from consumers. However, these products are relatively cheap and cover a certain market segment. Therefore, as long as there is demand for it, trade continues.

Why do the owners and management of Kyiv markets turn a blind eye to this?

The co-owner of the car market on Perov is PJSC “Dneprovsky Market”, the beneficiary and head of which is entrepreneur Valentin Neshta . This enterprise with an authorized capital of 50 thousand UAH was registered in 1997, and last year, according to registers , market turnover exceeded 30 million UAH.

In turn, Automarket on Koltseva LLC with an authorized capital of UAH 9.9 million belongs to businessman Nikolai Vinnychenko .

The main distributor of ChZA goods is the Avtoapteka chain of stores (founder and manager Tatyana Polivach ). According to YouControl, this company was mentioned in a journalistic investigation from 2021 about “customs clearance” of cars in Volyn.

During the raid, the StopCora team tried to communicate directly with the administration of both markets in order to obtain comments and clarifications from them. However, it was not very successful - the media workers were not even allowed out the door.

They explained to us through the intercom that no one from the administration seemed to be there (and this was during working hours!). In addition, market representatives stated that they allegedly do not control the origin of products sold on their territory. They say that the main thing is the intended purpose of the goods: if there is an agreement on the sale of auto chemicals, it is the auto chemicals that should be sold. And what brand or manufacturer is supposedly outside the market control zone.

However, in Zhulyany, administration representatives took a photograph of the StopCor information leaflet and posted it in the general chat so that all employees of this market could familiarize themselves with it.

Note that, despite the criminal case opened by law enforcement officers, the Russian businessman Vashurkin seems to retain a pool of assets in Ukraine. And it not only continues to receive income here, but also provides ammunition to the Russian army. After all, its structures, released from arrest by the court , are closely connected with the Tactical Missiles Corporation.


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