Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

The prosecutor's office intends to organize festive events

At a time when our country is at war and is directing all efforts to support our defenders at the front, prosecutors are preparing to celebrate Prosecutor's Day, which will take place on December 1. Elite restaurants have already been booked, and the Attorney General's Office is eagerly awaiting guests who will bring gifts.

Sources in the regional prosecutor's offices report that Deputy Prosecutor General Dmitry Verbitsky conveyed to the regions that gifts must be transferred through him to Prosecutor General Kostin. The amounts of congratulations vary, the smallest being $50k. Just imagine how many drones you can buy for that money.

But in the regions they are in no hurry to run with greetings, because they are waiting for the results of the NACP check regarding Kostin and consider him a lame duck.

Source ORD

In the spotlight


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