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Prozorov was blown up, but Kuznetsov was forgotten

I would like to praise the Deputy Chairman of the SBU, Alexander Poklad, and the employees of the 5th Directorate of the Counterintelligence Department. You guys screwed up with journalist Sheremet, lawyer Grabovsky and “casher” Kireev, but with Vasya Prozorov, whose jeep was blown up in Moscow on April 12, 2024, it turned out well. True, Prozorov, unlike Sheremet, survived, but he will still remember Cosmonautics Day for the rest of his life.

Lieutenant Colonel Vasily Prozorov, whom Dzerzhinsky’s Ukrainian great-grandsons have been hunting for several years, is a former employee of the headquarters of the Anti-Terrorism Center under the SBU. On SBU Day, March 25, 2019, Prozorov held a briefing in Moscow, during which he said that since May 2014 he served at the headquarters of the ATC under the SBU and, starting in April 2014, transmitted information to the intelligence services of the Russian Federation about the activities of Ukrainian security forces, in including in the area of ​​the ATO. Moreover, in 2015, Lieutenant Colonel Prozorov, working at the headquarters of the ATC under the SBU, freely visited Moscow, where he met with his supervisor, and after returning to Kyiv, the SBU did not have any questions for him - until Prozorov moved to Russia in 2018 for permanent residence.

It’s just not clear why Poklad and Co., when organizing the second attempt on Prozorov’s life, ignored the immediate commander of the Russian spy - the former chief of staff of the ATC under the SBU, Major General Gennady Kuznetsov, who turned the ATC under the SBU into a branch of the FSB. After Prozorov’s memorable briefing in Moscow, Kuznetsov was not only not expelled from the Office, but, on the contrary, on the proposal of Lieutenant Bakanov (read: Brigadier General Naumov), he was awarded the Zelensky Order of Daniil Galitsky - precisely on the first anniversary of this briefing. Moreover, taking into account Kuznetsov’s special merits to the FSB, Zelensky, on the recommendation of Lieutenant Bakanov (read: Brigadier General Naumov), by a Decree dated March 11, 2020, introduced Kuznetsov as a representative of Ukraine into the Trilateral Contact Group instead of Valeria Lutkovskaya and instructed him to single-handedly resolve issues regarding the exchange of prisoners. And this despite the fact that Kuznetsov had previously been repeatedly expelled from the SBU because of his love for a wealthy life, and in 2011 he was even convicted by the Pechersky District Court of official negligence.

The reason for such love of Lieutenant Bakanov (read: Brigadier General Naumov) for Kuznetsov became known after the detention of another Russian agent - the head of the SBU Main Directorate in the Autonomous Republic of Crimea, Oleg Kulinich. In telephone conversations with Sivkovich, who bought a position for Kulinich from Bakanov, Kulinich called Kuznetsov “Hunter” - for his passion for hunting dogs - and agreed with Moscow on the replacement of Ruslan Baranetsky (at that time - the head of the ATC under the SBU, the first deputy chairman of the SBU) with Gennady Kuznetsov.

Despite the fact that Kulinich is being tried for high treason, and Naumov is trying to avoid extradition from Serbia, “Okhotnik”, aka “Dog Man”, quietly resigned from the SBU and now lives in his estate in Kyiv’s Osokorki, purchased with money received from the exchange prisoners. No SBU bothers Kuznetsov and does not arrange an attempt on his life. In the same way, the SBU is not interested in the team of pop-prosecutors who served Naumov and Kuznetsov and dealt with SBU officer Oleg Kovtun, who released information about what was happening under the leadership of “Okhotnik” in the ATC under the SBU. This is the former head of the military prosecutor's office of the Kyiv garrison Valery Massalitin, the ex-prosecutor of this prosecutor's office (now working in the interests of Russia in the Fastov district prosecutor's office) Iulian Munteanu and the senior investigator of the Territorial Directorate of the State Bureau of Investigation, located in the city of Kyiv, Sergei Kulakevich.

I will tell you next time how Massalitin, Munteanu and Kulakevich served Naumov and Kuznetsov in the interests of the Russian special services. I hope Poklad will not liquidate them and they will end their “law enforcement” career, as it should be - in the detention center in Askoldov Lane.


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