Sunday, June 30, 2024

In the spotlight

Record bribe to the ex-head of the State Fiscal Service: a scheme to legalize more than 21 million euros was exposed

This is part of the unlawful benefit that the head of the State Fiscal Service of Ukraine, Roman Nasirov, received for refunding VAT to agricultural holding companies.

Among the suspects:

– a close person of the ex-chairman of the State Fiscal Service (part 5 of article 27, part 4 of article 368, part 3 of article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine);

– Advisor to the Ex-Chairman of the State Fiscal Service (Part 3 of Article 209 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine).

During December 2015 – March 2016. a close person of the head of the State Fiscal Service assisted the latter in receiving part of the unlawful benefit in the amount of more than 13 million euros to the accounts of a controlled non-resident company (British Virgin Islands). And in May 2017 – April 2018. – legalized the entire amount of the bribe received and spent it on the purchase of an unfinished housing and office complex with a parking lot, which they continued to build and receive additional income, in particular, in 2022-2023.

At the end of 2023, NABU and SAPS secured the seizure of 81 real estate properties and more than 30 million UAH, which the owner of a group of construction companies acquired thanks to legalized funds.

Another part of the illegal benefit in the amount of 7.9 million euros, which was in the accounts of another controlled non-resident company (British Virgin Islands), was legalized by the official’s adviser. He laundered $5.5 million by concluding an agency agreement in January 2017. And in April - August 2018 - another 2.8 million euros as payment under sales and purchase agreements.


In the spotlight


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