Friday, July 5, 2024

In the spotlight

Robert Kiyosaki predicted the rise of Bitcoin and gold

Financier Robert Kiyosaki said in October that Bitcoin (BTC) will increase in value along with gold and silver.

Moreover, the largest cryptocurrency will be able to quickly reach $135,000, as the process of capital redistribution between assets is accelerating. It is leaving the American dollar because the US economy is plunging into a state of crisis.

Late last week, Kiyosaki tweeted that he had increased his investments in gold, silver and Bitcoin.

In his opinion, the American economy will soon collapse, and now people need to transfer all their savings to alternative instruments, which are precious metals and BTC.

The financier advises investing 75% of the capital in cryptocurrency and precious metals, and investing the remaining 25% in real estate and oil. After reaching $135,000, BTC will target the $1 million mark.

In February, Kiyosaki predicted that Bitcoin would rise to $500,000 by the end of 2025. Gold and silver, according to his estimates, could rise in price to $5,000 and $500 per troy ounce, respectively.


In the spotlight


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