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Russia is preparing combined attacks on the Ukrainian energy structure: will there be prolonged blackouts?

Tens of hours without electricity, internet, water or heating. Last year, due to massive Russian attacks, Ukrainians felt the consequences in the form of long blackouts and rolling blackouts. This year, the aggressor seems to be again amassing resources to attack critical infrastructure with the onset of frost. But will a new “energy Apocalypse” happen in Ukraine?

The Ministry of Energy assures that everything is under control: “Ukraine has enough energy resources for the winter. In this regard, we feel calm,” says Energy Minister German Galushchenko.

So, most likely, if there is a blackout, it will not be as severe as last winter. This is indicated by the following factors:

First, more than half of the bank branches in Ukraine today are part of the Power Banking system, which the NBU and banks launched last year in case of a blackout.

Second, the Russians could use a combination of missile weapons and attack UAVs. These will definitely not be such primitive attacks as last year. But it will be difficult for the occupiers to achieve results - our defenders assure that they are also preparing and understand how they will act.

Thirdly, the Internet will be available even during a blackout. The Ministry of Digital Development and LUN City signed a memorandum of cooperation. They are working together on a map of providers that can provide Internet users for up to 72 hours during power outages.

StopCor also conducted a small survey among Kiev residents: are they ready for a new wave of blackouts? Residents of the capital are generally optimistic.

“Remember last year’s blackout – no light, no internet. Some did not have water or heating. However, this time there will be a better situation. In any case, you can always spend these hours or days with your family,” the journalist sums up.

Let us remind you that on the eve of winter, Ukraine again found itself under the threat of rolling blackouts, this time due to the lack of coal at domestic thermal power plants. State and private fuel and energy companies are forced to hastily buy “black gold” abroad, because at the height of the large-scale state enterprise “Ukrugol”, despite the official ban, was exporting it - to the detriment of the state.


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