Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

SAPO and NABU reported suspicion to a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council

The current deputy of the Odessa Regional Council was informed of suspicion of organizing an official's abuse of his official position and official forgery, which caused 6 million UAH of damage to the budget.

This became known after the publication of a corresponding statement on Facebook by the Specialized Anti-Corruption Prosecutor's Office.

“As part of the pre-trial investigation, it was established that in 2020, a deputy of the Odessa Regional Council organized the conclusion by the village chairman of one of the territorial communities of the Odessa region of a number of contracts for the implementation of work on the arrangement of street lighting, bypassing tender procedures and outside the competitive field with the company under his control,” it says . in the message.

As part of the investigation, investigators established that the contracts were concluded without the use of an electronic procurement system, because the subject of the purchase was artificially divided into parts, and the cost of work for each part separately did not exceed UAH 1.5 million.

“In addition, this allowed the contractor to include street lighting fixtures in the contract price at prices that were deliberately inflated by more than 6 times,” SAP adds.

It is noted that subsequently the regional council deputy organized forgery of acceptance certificates for completed construction work, which included false information about the expenses incurred. As a result, UAH 6 million was transferred to his company’s account without any reason.

In addition, NABU detectives, under the procedural leadership of the SAPO prosecutor, reported changes in previously notified suspicions, as well as new suspicions, to the director of the company controlled by the deputy and, on behalf of the SAPO head, to the former village chairman of one of the territorial communities of the Odessa region. The pre-trial investigation is currently ongoing.


In the spotlight


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