Sunday, September 29, 2024

In the spotlight

The SBU exposed officials of the State National Security Service who provided protection for the crossing of evaders across the border, Vladimir Malyuga was involved in this

Employees of the Department of Internal and Internal Security of the State Border Service are directly involved in the process of transporting Uhilants across the borders of Ukraine.

This is evidenced by the materials of the criminal proceedings of the SBU. In particular, one of the officials of this department was exposed red-handed and a suspicion was handed over to him

“We are talking about Lieutenant Colonel Yu.A. Neprelyuk. – head of the internal security group of the internal and internal security department for the 24th border detachment of the main internal and internal security department “South” of the Internal and Internal Security Department of the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine. As part of production No. 420240224200 .2024, the prosecutor’s office and the SBU handed him suspicion on May 24 of this year. about suspicion under Part 3 of Art. 332 of the Criminal Code of Ukraine with the delivery of a petition to select a preventive measure in the form of detention.

Neprelyuk is a trusted subordinate of the head of the Department of Internal and Internal Security of the Administration of the State Border Service of Ukraine, Vladimir Mikhailovich Malyuga.

Vladimir Malyuga, according to operational materials, actually heads the “top” of channels for transporting draft dodgers abroad in various border regions of Ukraine.

In 2020, Malyuga served as deputy head of the Security Service of Ukraine in the Ivano-Frankivsk region. In 2022, he served as head of the Internal Security Department of the State Customs Service of Ukraine.

At the end of 2022, Vladimir Malyuga became a customs officer and worked in the VHI of Ukraine, but was fired in the wake of a corruption scandal.

Currently heading the Department of Internal and Internal Security of the State National Security Service, Malyuga is not declared and information about his appointment to this position is closed. At the same time, during his work in the border service, the relatives of the said employee became the owners of a significant amount of real estate assets. These circumstances, indicating facts of illegal enrichment of an official, are examined separately by law enforcement officers.”

Source ZNAJ

In the spotlight


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