Categories: Crypto

SEC will allow the issuance of ETFs for Ethereum futures in October

In the fall of 2021, the first exchange-traded crypto ETFs focused on Bitcoin futures appeared on the American market.

Several companies have applied to launch such tools. The first issuers of futures ETFs were Proshares and VanEck.

As Bloomberg clarifies, after the appearance of crypto ETFs for Bitcoin futures, the US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) may approve the release of similar products focused on Ethereum futures as early as October.

Moreover, the regulator can allow the output of several such instruments at once. At the end of July, Volatility Shares submitted a corresponding application.

Then the list of potential fund issuers was supplemented by Bitwise Asset Management, Roundhill Financial, Van Eck, ProShares and Grayscale Investments.

If at least one application is approved on the American market, a crypto fund ETF for Ethereum futures may appear as early as October 12.

Ethereum (ETH) is currently trading just below $1,700. At the end of last week, the altcoin was trading above this psychological level, but already over the weekend it began to fall in price along with Bitcoin (BTC), which fell to $26,000.


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