Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Secret meeting on the border: USA, Britain and Zaluzhny discussed important

According to journalists, the generals discussed important issues for Ukraine - how to proceed with the counter-offensive, what to do in the winter, and what the strategy should be in 2024.

On August 15, senior NATO officers went to a secret location on the Polish-Ukrainian border to hold a military meeting with the commander-in-chief of the Ukrainian Armed Forces, General Valery Zaluzhny. The Guardian reports this.

It is alleged that Valery Zaluzhny and his team held a five-hour meeting. Her goal was to help Ukraine reset its military strategy: what to do about stopping the Ukrainian counter-offensive, developing plans for the winter, and a long-term strategy for dealing with the war “inevitably dragging on” until 2024.

Separately, the authors noted that the presence of American General Christopher Cavoli, who heads the US Command in Europe, and the Commander-in-Chief of the British Army, Admiral Sir Tony Radakin, was especially noticeable. The latter is seen as an increasingly important player in helping Ukraine. Valery Zaluzhny allegedly called him “his boyfriend.”

This is not the first time that a summit has taken place on the border. It partly took place during Radakin's visit to Kyiv, where he had a 45-minute meeting with Vladimir Zelensky. According to the publication's sources, Ukrainian strategy and how the West can help were discussed.

The commander of the US Army Joint Staff, General Mark Milley, was barred from traveling to Ukraine because the US is worried about the US getting involved in the war. The UK has a smaller army and therefore has no such concerns, the authors write.

It is also alleged that the British admiral usually brings Zaluzhny’s favorite whiskey, Glenmorangie, as a gift. British sources are reluctant to talk about the results of the border meeting. But there are signals from the West that the strategy has changed as a result of the discussions.

“I think you see that they are focusing on the Zaporozhye front,” one of the interlocutors said, amid reports of new attacks in the direction of Tokmak.

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