Thursday, October 3, 2024

In the spotlight

“Family contract” Pashchenko: Telegraf journalists exposed possible enrichment schemes for an Ukroboronprom official

The story of Alexander Pashchenko, who made a fortune in public service in the defense industry and illegally left abroad, caused a new wave of indignation in Ukrainian society.

After the scandalous story with the Grinkevichs, the Ukrainian media again drew attention to violations in the defense industry. Alexander Pashchenko, also known as a member of the Monaco Battalion, was criticized for traveling abroad using false documents.

Although his name was previously little known, especially among the wider public, narrow circles in the defense industry are well acquainted with this family, in particular through his father, Yuri Pashchenko

According to the Ukrainian publication Telegraf , the first high-profile scandal broke out with the Pashchenko family back in 2015.

At that time, the personnel policy at Ukroboronprom constantly raised many questions, and new appointments in the concern were regularly accompanied by high-profile scandals, journalists note. So, in July 2015, thirty-year-old Alexander Pashchenko was appointed to the strategic enterprise of Ukroboronprom - the Kharkov machine-building plant FED. He is the son of Yuri Pashchenko, the deputy of Roman Romanov - at that time the head of the aircraft construction and production concern. Pashchenko Sr. was a member of the competition commission, which elected and appointed heads of strategic enterprises.

As investigators write, the father helped his son get a high position in Ukroboronprom, which did not become a problem. At that time, this was the norm, and people turned a blind eye to nepotism.

Then a large journalistic investigation was conducted about these schemes, Investigative.Info, called “Clan,” which was aired on Public.

Journalists recall that then Yuri Pashchenko gave an eloquent comment about the appointment of his son, which explains a lot.

The Klan investigation made public the internal processes of appointments to senior positions in Ukroboronprom and gave impetus to many processes - external audits and even investigations.

As noted in Telegraf, people's deputies wrote an appeal to the Prosecutor General regarding a direct conflict of interest in the appointment of Alexander Pashchenko. After all, the head of the State Enterprise KhMZ “FED” (production of aviation, defense and railway components) was directly and functionally subordinate to the Deputy General Director for Aircraft Engineering and Production of the House of Culture “Ukroboronprom” Yuriy Pashchenko (father).

Chief Military Prosecutor A. Matios confirmed that there is indeed a conflict of interest and criminal liability is provided for this. However, due to legislative conflicts, prosecutors are deprived of the authority to conduct anti-corruption checks.

The Prosecutor General's Office sent a corresponding letter to the then head of the concern, Roman Romanov, in which it recommended the dismissal of Pashchenko Jr. in order to prevent corruption.

As journalists note, thanks to the protection of his father and the top management of the concern, Alexander Pashchenko worked in the position for 3 years and, using family connections, continued to build a path in the defense industry.

Telegraf investigated that over the years of civil service, with a fairly average salary, Alexander Pashchenko acquired a significant fortune. The declared value of the property alone exceeds 8.5 million hryvnia. However, whether everything is indicated in the declaration is unknown.

If we calculate the difference between the value of the discovered real estate and vehicle fleet and Pashchenko’s official earnings in a position in government agencies, there is a significant discrepancy.

For example, only the declared vehicle fleet includes:

  • Maserati Qutroporte
  • Audi A3 e-tron
  • LEXUS ES 250

An undeclared cruise boat from the American shipyard Rinker, model 280. The cost of such a yacht is 3-3.5 million UAH.

Alexander Pashchenko has four apartments in Kyiv and a plot of land in the region - all with a total value of almost 4.5 million UAH.

Also, according to journalists, the defendant has 7 accounts opened in different banks in which funds are stored. Cash in the latest declaration indicated 72 thousand US dollars.

Gifts received in cash look very suspicious.

As an example, journalists point out that in 2016, the first year of his work at FED, in the NAPC declaration, Alexander Pashchenko indicated that his wife received a gift in cash - 1 million 572 thousand UAH.

Further, the trend of receiving gifts in cash can be traced continuously over the years:

  • 2019 – gave father 270 thousand UAH
  • 2020 – gave my wife 2 million 108 thousand UAH
  • 2022 – gave father 800 thousand UAH

As Telegraf notes, with the beginning of a full-scale invasion, Alexander Pashchenko changed his occupation. Taking advantage of connections in the defense concern and the patronage of his father, he left his own godfather as his successor in his position.

He himself constantly travels illegally to EU countries using fake documents. There he organized an intermediary business, offering military goods suppliers services to “resolve issues” in Ukraine.

Journalists saw that making money through mediation and without the obligation to declare his wealth, Pashchenko leads a luxurious lifestyle. Holidays in Spain and Italy, constant flights on expensive airlines, yacht rental for Mediterranean fishing. And all this during a full-scale war in Ukraine.

Another example given by Telegraf is the celebration of the new year 2022-2023. Alexander Pashchenko organized it for his family and friends in one of the best ski resorts in Italy, La Thuile. This small cozy Alpine town at the foot of Mont Blanc in the Italian province of Val d'Aosta is right on the border with France.

Pashchenko and his company vacationed at the resort during the high season of the New Year holidays for two weeks - from December 23 to January 6.

During this period, it is generally difficult to find accommodation in La Thuile; early booking is valid everywhere. A search on amazes with the prices for accommodation.

Apartment rental for just 7 days ranges from 9,524 to 17,080 euros.

The main question that investigators are asking is: where does this money come from? The answer is simple.

As journalists found out, the dynasty’s connections in the defense industry make it possible to organize the schemes that Pashchenko Jr. is involved in. And this allows you to earn millions of dollars in illegal earnings under the auspices of your father, Yuri Pashchenko.

But the question of whether the current head of the Ukroboronprom concern German Smetanin and the Minister for Strategic Industries Alexander Kamyshin are aware remained unanswered by the investigators. For this is an activity that certainly undermines confidence in the entire defense industry of the country.

As Telegraf notes, Alexander Pashchenko is now in Romania, where he once again left on 02/26/2024 using fake documents.

Journalists do not know whether he will return after the publication of this revealing material, fearing possible investigations by law enforcement and anti-corruption agencies.

But they hope that checks will be initiated into possible abuses by Pashchenko Jr. in all affiliated structures.

At a time when the best Ukrainians are dying at the front every day, people like Alexander Pashchenko continue to profit from the war.

We previously wrote that during the full-scale war, the leaders of the Zhitomir region GUNP acquired quite valuable property and large sums of cash.

Let us also recall that journalists learned about the illegal earnings of the mayor of Kamensky, Dnepropetrovsk region, Andrei Bilousov, who was able to enrich himself from heating systems, road repairs and the war in general. In this regard, StopCor has already sent inquiries to the Office of the Prosecutor General, the police and the city council.


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