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The family of Poroshenko’s lawyer Igor Golovan avoids mobilization: details

Igor Golovan falsified documents and became unfit for service, like his relatives.

The personal lawyer of Petro Poroshenko and Igor Golovan forged a medical certificate for himself, in which he attributed “fatal diseases” that did not allow him to serve in the Armed Forces of Ukraine. We are talking about poor vision and high blood pressure. Golovan’s relatives are also avoiding mobilization

“I. Golovan, born in 1968, in early June, the VLK of the Shevchenko TCC and joint venture was recognized as unfit for military service with exclusion from military registration on the basis of Article 31a (visual impairment) and 39a (hypertension) of the appendix to the order of the Ministry of Armor No. 402 . Currently, the conclusion has been sent to the Central Military Commission of the Ministry of Defense,” noted the lawyer who studied Golovan’s illegal activities.

Golovan’s relatives are also avoiding mobilization. The son of a lawyer, Vladimir, born in 1990, did not come to TCC. Golovan’s brother, Nikolai, born in 1972, and Golovan’s sister’s husband, Evgeniy Shelyakin, born in 1977, are also in hiding.

“The husband of I. Golovan’s sister is Evgeniy Shelyakin, born in 1977. is also wanted by the TCC authorities and is evading the VLK,” the statement says.

Golovan is known for being Poroshenko’s lawyer, suspected of high treason for collaborating with the LPR/DPR and supplying coal from the occupied territories. By the way, both of Poroshenko’s adult sons, 39-year-old Alexei and 23-year-old Mikhail, are also in no hurry to mobilize, since they live in London and have not returned to Ukraine since the beginning of the war.


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