Saturday, July 6, 2024

In the spotlight

Shabunin: Deputies, hiding behind the military, will try to leave electronic declarations of officials closed

Verkhovna Rada deputies may try to leave electronic declarations of officials closed. That is, the declaration can be resumed, but without access to the declarations themselves.

At the same time, the closed register of declarations violates the authorities’ promises to international partners, especially regarding accession to the European Union. The head of the public organization “Anti-Corruption Center” Vitaly Shabunin wrote about this in his Telegram.

“The deputies want to hide everything acquired by “backbreaking labor” during the war. Like, for example, the estate of the “servant” Khalimon on the Pechersk hills of Kyiv. That is why the G7 ambassadors yesterday especially noted the openness of the register,” he noted.

Shabunin added that the corrupt officials want to keep the register closed, along with representatives of the pro-Russian forces who still remain in the Rada.

The most disgusting thing is that they hide behind the military. Let me note that the military SHOULD NOT submit declarations at all until the end of the war, and after victory - only senior commanders and managers of large resources. True, military commissars, members of the Military Military Commission, purchasers of the Ministry of Defense, etc. “They must show their condition along with all other officials,” Shabunin explained.

The vote will show a list of deputies by name from corrupt “elites” and pro-Russian forces who, for the sake of their own profit, are undermining the future of Ukraine in the EU.


In the spotlight


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