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Ex-official of the Zaporozhye Regional State Administration Nekrasova: “Fedorov carried out a coup in the local authorities”

According to Nekrasova, the head of the Zaporizhzhya regional council Fedorov threatened the deputies and encouraged them to sabotage the session in order to get a reason to dissolve the regional council

Transfer of powers, purges of local officials or a real coup? After the appointment of Ivan Fedorov as head of the Zaporozhye OVA, a wave of personnel rotations swept through the front-line city. At the same time, after the dissolution of the regional council and a number of dubious appointments in the mayor’s office, virtually all powers of power ended up with the new “governor”.

Considering the high-profile crimes (in particular, the contract killing of City Council civil servant Maxim Denshchik) and complaints from Zaporozhye entrepreneurs about pressure from local authorities and raiding in the spirit of the gangster 90s, such a concentration of power in one hand looks suspicious. Moreover, according to ex-regional state administration officials, the liquidation of the regional council was carried out in a dubious manner. More about this in the video by Maria Vinnichenko

Immediately after his appointment as head of the OBA, the former mayor of Melitopol, Ivan Fedorov, announced a large-scale replacement of personnel - he justified such rotations by the need to reform local authorities and by the fact that the Zaporozhye community had been expecting such changes for a long time. However, according to the ex-deputy chairman of the Zaporozhye regional state administration Zlata Nekrasova, instead of reform there was a real “coup”.

“He (Fedorov – ed.) threatened the deputies so that they would not sign and gather for a session so that the entire leadership of the apparatus would pass to him. There are deputies who signed the letter calling for the session; they directly worked at utility companies. And he called them in and threatened them with dismissal. Therefore, under his pressure, this particular session did not meet,” she noted.

On March 21 of this year, parliament, at the suggestion of Fedorov, supported the decision to transfer the powers of the Zaporozhye regional council to the regional military administration for the duration of martial law.

Zlata Nekrasova told how the transfer of these powers took place.

“He sent a letter to the Office of the President, noting that the session of the regional council has not been convened for a long time, the deputies are sabotaging the work. Therefore, the Verkhovna Rada voted for the corresponding decision, after which the regional council was dissolved and all powers were transferred to it. This was his first decision - to take the management of the regional council completely under his control, so that the decision would not be made collectively, but exclusively with his signature,” our interlocutor said.

In addition, a month later, a new secretary of the Zaporozhye city council, Regina Kharchenko, was elected by secret ballot.

“The mechanism of action was similar to what happened in the regional council. The appointment of Regina Kharchenko is illegal. If we consider from a legal point of view how this session was conducted, all actions can be considered illegal. And they realize this,” Nekrasova emphasized.

Let us remind you that after the appointment of the former mayor of Melitopol Ivan Fedorov as head of the regional state administration, local entrepreneurs complain about pressure from the authorities, as well as the opacity of tenders. In addition, the director of the legal support department of the Zaporozhye City Council, Maxim Denshchik, was killed in the city. And recently, a friend of the deceased reported threats from OVA officials.


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